Daily Lesson Plan Page 1
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Daily Lesson Plan Page 1

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Action Pack 8, Grade 8 Training (3rd Page)

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Daily Lesson Plan Page 2

Lesson Planning Page 3 (Strategies)

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 1

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 2

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 3

Exemplar of Performance-based Assessment

Remedial Activities Page 2

8th Grade Content Analysis page 3

12th Grade Audio Vocational Literature


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Text to Speech/ Speech to Text

Dear Teacher, Here you can find some useful information about Daily Preparation
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher starts with
 the warm up to create an agreeable classroom environment.
 Then he may use some of the ideas below to gain students'

attention and stimulate their interest:

Ask the students to predict what the  new lesson  will be about  using  pictures.

Give them an overview that establishes the relationship between the present lesson

    and the previous content and of its relevance.

Review, for a few minutes, the previous day's lesson either by asking pupils to

     summarize it or by  posing some questions.

Check homework assignments or analyze the results

    of a test taken previously.

Give them a diagnostic quiz in vocabulary, spelling

    or structure, focusing on the items that he judges to

    be most needed by the pupils.

Give them a remedial exercise on intonation,

     rhythm or stress etc.
Guidelines for preparation:
  1. The day and date of presentation should be
       indicated in the margin .Lesson and page are
       ate the top of the preparation. The teaching point
       should be stated clearly.
  1. Learning Pre-requisites should be indicated
      (concepts, vocabulary, terms, expressions,
      structures, general/specific ideas that are necessary
       for interacting with the new lesson.
  1. If there are any expected difficulties, they
      should be mentioned.
  1. The objectives of the lesson should be stated
      clearly so that all activities will be related to them.
  1. The language points and materials (A-V Aids)
      are specified.
  1. A brief statement of what the teacher is to do
      in the first five minutes of the lesson
-          check homework
-          revise previous material
      ( words , functions ,structural items )
-          do some remedial work
-          give a quiz
-          do a spelling activity
  1. Pair or group work activities are clearly indicated
        in  addition to workbook exercises and tape
        recorder exercises.
  1. Communicative activities, reading and writing
       skills or any other application exercises. Allocation
       of time for this section is to be specified
      ( about ten to fifteen minutes )
  1. The last five minutes can be used for evaluation
      and assigning homework. The teacher can ask
      the students to  sing a song, a poem , give a
      general talk or even tell a joke , so that they
      may leave the classroom in a good mood.
Possible Extension Activities ( Homework):
  1. Finding the meanings of a number of new words
      using a dictionary.
  1. Assigning a group of  special words or appropriate
      sentences or paragraphs for spelling  
      or completion practice.
  1. Doing relevant exercises for consolidation on
      various  language points.
  1. Answering comprehension questions on
       a given text.
  1. Writing a composition.
  2. Assigning two or more pupils to carry out
      a joint project.
  1. Preparing an Audio-Visual or multimedia Aid
            or a presentation, a bulletin board, a chart or a wall picture.
Daily Preparation Form
Class:---------  Subject: ----------     Unit:----------      Lesson:------------- (Teaching point): ------------------------   Date:-------------------------------
Learning Prerequisites:----------------------------------------------------------
Expected difficulties: -----------------------------------------------------------
Specific Objectives
A-V Aids
Examples of Objectives and Evaluation:
   Listening (Intermediate  Grades)
Objectives: (statements of attainment)
Evaluation (Evidence of attainment)
Discriminate sounds in isolated word form
Indicating whether two sounds are the same or different
Obtain the gist of short texts
Indicating the main point in a piece of discourse
Respond appropriately to simple instructions given by the teacher
Performing actions according to instructions given by the teacher
Show understanding of specifically required information on a single point or more than one point 
Identifying different points of view in spoken texts
Recognize familiar words and phrases in the spoken form
Trying out recently encountered words/phrases in new contexts
Respond to the texts consisting of simple sentences in familiar contexts 
Giving the appropriate continuation for a statement.
Obtain the gist of texts consisting of sentences in familiar contexts
Matching titles to paragraphs / texts
Show understanding of specifically required information
Filling in a checklist in response to a tape
Distinguish the main idea from Supporting details
Differentiating fact from opinion
Respond appropriately to a range of instructions
Performing actions according to given instructions
Recognize familiar words and phrases in familiar / unfamiliar contexts
Matching labels to objects
Hong Lin, Writing Learning Outcomes: Using Bloom's Taxonomy,
Home page.  30 April 2006
 Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Home page. 30 April 2006
Edward Vockell, Bloom's Taxonomy,  Home page. 30 April 2006

This is one of my favorite images

Behavioral Objectives

Source: from trainee teachers' notes and assignments in workshops for new teachers, 2002

A good workable  specific objective should satisfy the following conditions:

1. It should be stated in terms of student behavior.

For example,

By the end of this period/ lesson/unit, pupils are  expected to be able to: 

a.      pronounce correctly the new words in the lesson

b.     use the new words in meaningful sentences

c.     read silently the reading passage  within a given time answer the

d.     comprehension questions.

2.    It  should be measurable. For example, in the following statements, the first one is measurable,

he second is not measurable and the focus is not specific.   

a.      to recognize the grammatical structure N+ Verb to be+ adj.

b.     to master the basic English structures

Classification of Educational Objectives

Educational objectives which deal with cognitive ( mental) behavior may be classified  as follows:

1.                 Knowledge

       The term knowledge  covers behavior of remembering previously learnt material. This includes knowledge of terms, facts, rules, principles, theories and generalizations etc. 


a.      to write the following words with correct spelling

b.     to pronounce the following words correctly

c.     to underline the grammatical mistakes in a given sentence

d.     to distinguish minimal pairs on hearing them

e.      to answer correctly questions about the days of the week, months and seasons

f.       to match words with their synonyms/ antonyms

Comprehension :

   Comprehension covers such behavior as “ understanding” details of facts in a communication. This includes understanding the meaning of a passage, explaining the meaning of words and expressions, summarizing the main ideas, and adding suitable material.


a.      to answer the comprehension questions based on a reading text/ diagrams, charts…

b.     to explain the meaning of vocabulary items/ expressions in

c.     a text.

d.     to summarize the main ideas

e.      to suggest a suitable title for a text

f.       to provide examples similar to those mentioned in the text

g.     to rephrase all ( or parts) of a communication.


    Application means the ability to use rules , principles , theories, methods in  an unfamiliar/ unseen situation. This includes working on an exercise  according to a certain rule, applying a grammatical rule in spoken or written production.


a.      to change statements into negative, interrogative, passive voice, reported speech, simple past tense…

b.     to use words in meaningful sentences

c.     to make Yes/ No questions or Wh-questions using

d.     auxiliary verbs

e.      to punctuate a paragraph using certain punctuation marks.

f.       to form the correct tag questions.


     Analysis means breaking down a communication ( written or spoken) into its components. This involves understanding the relationship of the components to one another.


a.      to analyze a complex sentence into main clause and subordinate clause

b.     to show the relationship between two words ( noun, pronoun)

c.     to find out the topic sentence in a paragraph

d.     to analyze a sentence pattern into its elements ( subject, verb, object…

e.      to draw conclusions

f.       to distinguish between facts and opinions.


   Synthesis is the skill of constructing  a text/ communication using various elements.


a.      to write a paragraph on a given topic

b.     to complete an unfinished text.

c.     to give a speech on a given topic

d.     to form a sentence using given  ( jumbled) words or phrases

e.      to write a personal or business letter or advertisement


   This is the highest and most advanced educational objective. It means providing judgments concerning merits , values or other attributes of a communication. In order to pass a judgment one needs to know  a communication, to comprehend it  and perhaps go through other mental processes like analysis and synthesis.


a.      to criticize a written communication ( a composition)

b.     to evaluate one’s oral production in terms of correct pronunciation,

c.     clarity, meaningfulness, choice of words.

to evaluate a passage or an essay with regard to : relevance of the topic, accuracy, suitability of style, organization, unity---

Hong Lin, Writing Learning Outcomes: Using Bloom's Taxonomy,
Home page.  30 April 2006
 Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Home page. 30 April 2006
Edward Vockell, Bloom's Taxonomy,  Home page. 30 April 2006





 (Source: A sample of the work of In-Service

  English Language  trainees-

   a  generalized Reading lesson)



Revision of the

contracted forms

of the verbs to be

with all  pronouns

2. Sounds:

Revision of the /p/ and

/b/  sounds

3. Vocabulary:

many, only, first,

second, third, carry,

point, walk, a man,

a 4. Reading paragraphs

one and two in the

Student's Book

5. Writing :

Exercises in

              SB pp. (21-22)


 Specific  Objectives

Students are expected to:

1. Pronounce all  new vocabulary items with correct

      intonation and stress

2. Recognize the meaning of these items when they

    hear or encounter them in the reading passage.

3. Write each of these items with correct  spelling

4. Find out the main ideas in the reading texts.

5. Extract specific  details in the reading texts

6. Answer  comprehension questions  and   discuss main ideas

7. Use the contracted   forms of the verb to be

8. Take up sentences from substitution table


Warm Up (Ice-breaker)

1.Revision of previous homework. Teacher

    links material from last lesson with prediction

    questions about the new lesson.

2. Teacher diagnoses  students' knowledge

   using a work sheet

3.T. conducts a quick remedial activity for verb

      (to be) forms and deals with expected

     difficulties in the concepts/ structures of the

      new material.

4. T. uses minimal pairs and gives a model

     pronunciation of /p/and/b/ .

5. Teacher introduces some vocabulary items

     through contexts and leaves the rest for guessing.

6. Teacher uses pre-questions, SS read silently,

     then SS read the text, one paragraph at a time.

7. SS answer and discuss the details in the

    text using the maps, pictures in the text for

     further analysis,  extension and linkage

    of ideas in the text with their own

     personal experiences .

8.T. presents the writing task of forming correct

     sentences using a substitution table.

There is a Class Check after Completion of the writing



A. Teacher checks pupils' performance

    as reflected in their:

1. pronunciation

2. responses to various questions on the

     reading text

3. written work

B. Teacher's use of a checklist observation

    sheet of students' comprehension sub-skills.




This is one of my favorite images


This is one of my favorite images