Outcomes, General and Specific Page 2
Quality Professional Training

Daily Lesson Plan Page 1

Critical Thinking Tests

New Evaluation Tools (1st Page)

English Sites(1)

Grammar, Dictionaries, ELT Sites

Photo Activities

Diagnostic Tests

Blended Learning and links

Slide Show

Guest Book

12th Grade Resources

Rubrics and Forms

Tenth Grade Analysis Page 1

Online Training for New Teachers

Grade 11 Content Analysis

12th Grade Remedial Resources

Powerpoint, Video, Audio, Clip Art, e-Libraries

Placement Tests

Learning StylesTests

Ask an Expert

12th Grade Training

Blended Learning Free Computer Skills and Programs

START HERE! How Our Reflective Blended Training Works

Free 'Electronic' Teaching Managment

Learning Difficulties Tests, Teaching

Action Pack, Grade 2 Training (1st Page)

Action Pack, Grade 8 Training (1st page)

Inquiry, Critical Thinking, Task-based, Problem-based Learning, constructivism (Methods 1)

Action Pack 8 Training (2nd page)

Action Pack 2 Training (2nd Page)

12th Grade Content Analysis

12th Grade Standards

Action Pack 8, Grade 8 Training (3rd Page)

Free Hardware/Software Technical Assistance

New Evaluation Tools (3rd Page)

Free Icebreakers for Classroom Use

New Evaluation Tools (2nd Page)

Evaluation (4th Page) Organizing Your GradeBook

Semester Plan

New Evaluation Authentic Assessment(5th Page)

Total Physical Response (Methods 2)

Daily Lesson Plan Page 2

Lesson Planning Page 3 (Strategies)

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 1

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 2

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 3

Exemplar of Performance-based Assessment

Remedial Activities Page 2

8th Grade Content Analysis page 3

12th Grade Audio Vocational Literature


Free AntiVirus Scan

Text to Speech/ Speech to Text

Grade Six


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. recognize the correct stress of syllables in multi-syllable words 

3. recognize the effect of pauses on understanding when listening (e.g., to indicate punctuation, for clarity or emphasis)

4. follow oral instructions (e.g., homework assignments)

5. respond to questions before, during, and after listening (e.g., agree or disagree with opinions expressed)*

6. listen to participate in simple classroom conversations (e.g., about making plans to improve achievement in school)*

7. make simple inferences when listening (e.g. about speaker’s point of view)

8. repeat main ideas from a simple oral presentation

9. enjoy listening to rhymes and songs in English

10. use teacher introduction and other clues to understand new words when listening (e.g., pictures of tourism in Jordan)

11. use questions after listening to gain understanding of new or unfamiliar words (e.g., Excuse me, will you repeat that, please?)*

12. use context to understand new words when listening

13. use prior knowledge and experience to listen when participating in simple conversations (e.g., tone of voice, hand gestures)


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1.speak clearly with pauses for clarity and emphasis

2. use correct intonation for questions and statements

3. use simple sentences to talk with a partner or a small group about familiar and unfamiliar 4. situations (e.g., responsibilities towards members of  a family)

5. discuss simple reading material to compare own ideas with those of peers*

6. prepare and read aloud with accuracy, comprehension, and expression a short dramatic passage

7.with a partner, prepare and present a simple dialogue to the class

8. present a short, simple prepared speech of four or five sentences to the class

9. give feedback about aspects of a peer’s speech (e.g., clarity, pronunciation, speed of speaking)


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use context and direct instruction (e.g., information about word origins and derivations) to

 understand the meaning of new and unfamiliar words

2. scan simple written materials to preview them for general content before starting to read

3. skim simple written materials for the main ideas

4. use knowledge of verb tenses to understand when things happen

5. use English print or electronic dictionaries and glossaries to help understand unfamiliar words in simple reading materials

6. distinguish fact from opinion in simple reading materials

7. identify cause and effect in simple  and literary reading material

8. draw conclusions from simple reading materials

9. explain an author’s point of view in a simple text

10. create a mind map/ a chart of the main idea and the supporting ideas in simple reading materials

  11. retell what happens in a simple story 

12. develop opinions based on information from two simple written sources

13. explain (with evidence) the motive of a character in a simple story (i.e., why the character does a certain thing)


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. locate and use English reference materials found in the classroom and school library

2. use table of contents and key word search to locate specific information in print or electronic sources

3. use organizational features (e.g., headings, numbering) to locate specific information on CD ROMs

4. write meaningful sentences and paragraphs using given frameworks such as a substitution table and jumbled sentences

5. write a simple information paragraph of four or five sentences (e.g., about a hobby)

6. write a simple story of short paragraphs following a guided composition process

7. write a simple letter or email to a friend

8.write entries in a learning log

9. write a simple short speech of four or five sentences to present to the class

10. write paragraphs using proper organization (e.g., , introductory sentence, development sentences, closing or concluding sentence)

11. rewrite a paragraph in a simple narrative as required (e.g., change of time, place, speaker)

12. use and spell correctly learned vocabulary

13. vary sentence structure by using simple and compound sentences correctly

14. write a dictated paragraph using correct punctuation marks

15. check sources for accuracy of information (e.g., aspects of life at the north pole)

16. correct punctuation (e.g., upper/lower case letters, period, question mark, exclamation mark and apostrophe) with the assistance of peers and teachers


Grade Seven


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use the sequence of ideas, words and sentences to understand new or unfamiliar words when listening

2.use context to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words

3. follow oral instructions (e.g., how to use the Internet)

4. respond to questions before, during, and after listening* (e.g., differentiate between facts and opinions, cause and effect)

5. show understanding of classroom role-plays on topics (e.g., doing volunteer in the community)

6. make inferences when listening to role-plays (e.g., who was responsible for the accident)

7. show approval of other’s ideas  ( e.g. facial expressions and gestures.)


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. pronounce words accurately

2. use appropriate intonation patterns for different kinds of sentences (e.g., questions, exclamations)

3. participate in class discussions (e.g., about personal interests)in a small group,

4. discuss reading material to fill a chart or table *

5. interview peers in a focused discussion (e.g., proper behaviour in public)

6. use sequencing words (e.g., first, second) to assist the listener when presenting information about a process

7. role-play a TV interview (e.g.,  participating in a sporting activity)

8. recite short poem

9. summarize the main idea of a simple poem

10. make suggestions for the improvement of peers’ presentations or written work


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. skim and scan authentic reading material on topics related to prior knowledge or personal interest

2. make use of punctuation (e.g., semicolon) to understand reading materials  

3. use knowledge of prefixes, suffixes and roots to understand the meaning of new and unfamiliar words (e.g., re -, dis-.)

 4. use print and electronic dictionaries and glossaries to find meanings, pronunciation, and synonyms of words

5. summarize or paraphrase key ideas in reading materials*

6. .explain an author’s purpose for writing *

7. explain whether events are believable *

8. read for a variety of personal purposes (e.g., a text message from a friend)

9. recommend an interesting book to a peer*

10. locate and use facts and opinions to support own ideas

11. identify the moral of events(  e.g., about helping a disabled person; a story about family unity)

12. read independently for enjoyment (e.g., short stories with pictures, poems)


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. locate and use simple English reference materials found in the classroom and school library

2. use the Internet to locate specific information for assignments in English

3. take notes from resource materials (e.g., facts about mountains)

4. summarize information (e.g., facts about a person’s life)

5. write  multi-paragraph compositions .

6. write short reports (e.g.,  trees in my area /village/city  )

7. produce 2-3 -paragraphs  about a personal experience

8. write answers to questions based on reading materials*

9. write e-mails to peers on topics related to study needs and personal interests

10. translate words from Arabic into English and vise versa

11. create a poster (e.g., travel poster for a Jordanian historical site using ICT)

12. use substitution tables or any other given framework to write meaningful paragraphs

13. organize 2-3 -paragraphs  (e.g., write introductory, developing, and concluding paragraphs)

14. organize paragraphs by sequencing events in a narrative

15. create authentic charts and tables of information .

16. spell correctly learned vocabulary

17. write dictated material using correct punctuation

18. correct spelling and punctuation (e.g., capitals, period, question mark, exclamation mark, and apostrophe) independently

19. review written work for consistent use of voice both  independently and with the assistance of peers


Grade Eight


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. recognize how a speaker’s emphasis of different sentences helps identify what is important

2. use the sequence of ideas, words and sentences to identify the main idea while listening

3. recognize the relationship of intonation to meaning (e.g., serious or making fun indicated by tone of voice)

4. follow oral directions (e.g., searching for websites)

5. respond to critical thinking questions before, during, and after listening .

6. respond to an opinion expressed by a speaker *

7. show understanding of information in an oral presentation (e.g., summarize  listening material *

8. make inferences and judgments that show an understanding of a presentation

9. show appreciation of the efforts of others after a presentation (e.g., write a thank-you note) *


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use appropriate intonation for different kinds of moods (e.g., to show humour)

2. participate in class discussions with peers and teacher about comparisons and contrasts (e.g., Royal Jordanian Airlines then and now; good and evil characters)

3. in a small group, discuss a solution to a problem (e.g., earthquakes)

4. interview peers to write a report (e.g., attitudes of adolescent about some aspect of science)

5. use connecting words (e.g., now and then, however) to help comprehension of the listener when presenting information

6. speak clearly and interact with the audience effectively

7. role-play a scene from a play studied in class

8. recite orally a simple poem and comment on its theme

9. make suggestions for the improvement of the presentations of others


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use context (e.g., definitions, comparison/contrast, and clue words) to guess meanings of new words or phrases

2. skim and scan reading material to identify relevant information

3. use knowledge of word parts, foreign origins, and simple derivations to understand the meaning of new words

4. use print and electronic dictionaries and glossaries to confirm word meanings, , parts of speech, and clarify meaning

5. outline sequence of events or ideas*

6. summarize a short document*

7. interpret reading material by asking and answering questions*

8. assess the value of reading material .

9. analyze the content of reading material in order to make inferences

10. relate new ideas to previous beliefs, values and experiences while reading

11. read independently short passages from magazines and newspapers for information and enjoyment


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1.locate and use simple English reference materials found in the school and libraries

2. use the Internet to locate specific information and make notes about it

4. use the Internet to investigate a theme related to personal interests

5. summarize information (e.g., facts about an author’s life)

6. write a short paragraph based on information extracted from a simple map, graph or diagram

7. write a paragraph by expanding notes or answering a series of questions 

8.write a short report on the content of a book or short story

9.write two or three paragraphs based on reading (e.g., comparing places.) *

10. fill in forms correctly and neatly, given name, address, date of birth, nationality, religion, and other essential information

11. write a short letter which has a specific function (e.g., accepting or not accepting an invitation; giving or requesting information)

12. translate short sentences from English into Arabic and vise versa

13. develop 2-3 paragraphs using organizational patterns (e.g., compare and contrast, cause and effect)

14. spell correctly learned vocabulary

15. write dictated material using correct spelling and punctuation

16. edit the writing of a peer for spelling, punctuation, organization, and clarity of meaning,


Grade Nine


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. recognize the significance of connecting words to understanding when listening (e.g., before, after, first, next, then, later, finally)

2. recognize the relation between intonation and meaning .

3. use context to understand unfamiliar words and ideas when listening to a presentation

4. listen to taped native speakers of English to improve pronunciation

5. write a short, simple messages after listening (e.g. telephone, spoken messages)**

6. compare and contrast different opinions of different persons on a topic . **

7. identify the bias of a speaker after listening*

8. show understanding of information (e.g., explain the significance of events in a dramatization of a historical event)*

9. provide constructive feedback on the effectiveness of the oral presentations of peers (e.g., speaking speed, volume, pronunciation)*


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use recorded material to  correct pronunciation of words .

2. discuss correct pronunciation of words with peers

3. engage in discussions to exchange ideas about a variety of topics .

4. in a small group, sort, organize, and classify data into charts or tables**

5. engage in social exchanges (e.g., accepting invitations and offers)

6. interview peers, and family members about a variety of topics (e.g., the benefits and problems associated with modern technologies y)

7. use organizational words to assist the listener when presenting information (e.g., one expert thinks …, but I think …)

8. make eye contact with audience to interact effectively when presenting own point of view on a topic

9. role-play an issue (e.g., studied in another subject)

10. deliver a simple  e-presentation using visual aids or technology (e.g., about own city)

11. recite a favourite English poem and explain choice*

12. make suggestions for the improvement of spoken English in the presentations of peers


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. make a list of words that are the same in Arabic and English and share it with peers to build vocabulary

2. build vocabulary by visiting a website with a “word of the day” feature

3. read silently different types of reading material for specific purposes (e.g., library resources for information; poems for enjoyment)

4. skim written materials before reading to determine their purpose or the type of the material

5. scan reading material for general information for a project

6. use print and electronic dictionaries and glossaries to confirm word meanings, pronunciation, parts of speech, derivations, and clarify shades of meaning

7. identify the relationship among facts, ideas, concepts and themes in reading materials

8. analyze text content to develop a supported interpretation

9. evaluate information in a variety of resources to select materials for personal or school-related purposes

10. interpret literary reading material by asking and answering questions*

11. explain connections between what they read, personal ideas and beliefs

12. read different types of magazine and newspaper articles for information and enjoyment

13. read independently to acquire information on topics related to hobbies and interests


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. locate and use English reference materials found in the school and public libraries

2. use the Internet to locate specific information and make notes for simple research projects in other subjects

3. use the Internet to investigate a theme related to personal interests and school studies

4. summarize information (e.g., historical information about Jordan)

5. write one or two paragraphs on the general content of a reading selection

6. write 2-3 paragraphs explaining a behaviour (e.g., examples of good study habits)

7. write directions and instructions (e.g., finding one’s way, preparing a certain dish)

8.write a short,  informal letter with a specific function (e.g., requesting or giving information)

9. fill in application forms, giving essential information about one’s self

10. translate sentences and short paragraphs from Arabic into English and vise versa

11. develop 2-3 paragraphs using an organizational pattern such as a series of examples

12. organize a simple e- presentation (e.g., about own city)

13. spell correctly learned vocabulary

14. write dictated material using correct spelling and punctuation

15. with a peer, use a spell check and program to edit the writing for spelling and punctuation

16. revise own work to enhance the precision, clarity, and artistry  of written communications

17. edit final drafts of written work for conventions of standard English


Grade Ten


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. recognize the importance of figurative language when listening (e.g.,  comparisons in similes and metaphors)

2. recognize the significance of connecting words to understanding when listening (e.g., on one hand, on the other hand)

3. use context to understand unfamiliar words, expressions and ideas when listening to a presentation

4. record information  while listening (e.g., discussions, tapes, audio-video presentations)

5. respond to analytical questions before, during, and after listening to an oral presentation or watching a video*

6. synthesize information on a topic after listening to a discussion

7. identify the objectivity of information provided by a speaker

8. provide constructive feedback on oral presentations of peers (e.g., accuracy, clarity, completeness)*


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use dictionaries to check correct pronunciation of words

2. rehearse oral presentations with peers and get feedback

3. engage in discussions to exchange interests and experiences using meaningful sentences (e.g., talk about career plans for the future)

4. engage in discussions to understand and clarify main ideas

5. interview in English peers, teachers, family and community members about a variety of topics (e.g., the benefits of learning English as a foreign language)

6. use socially appropriate language to participate in debates

7. do a presentation on a topic of personal interest or based on a topic studied in another subject

8. participate in a performance (e.g., a scene from a story or play studied in class)

9. make suggestions for the improvement of the presentations of peers


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. make a list of words that are the same in Arabic and English and share it with peers to build vocabulary

2. build vocabulary by visiting a website with a “word of the day” feature

3. read silently different types of reading material for specific purposes (e.g., library

 resources for information; poems for enjoyment)

4. skim written materials before reading to determine their purpose or the type of the material

5. scan reading material for general information for a project

6. use print and electronic dictionaries and glossaries to confirm word meanings, pronunciation?, parts of speech, derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and clarify shades of meaning

7. identify the main ideas in informational materials and explain how the details support the main idea*

8. recognize the organizational pattern of a text (e.g. compare and contrast; cause and effect)

9. paraphrase information, ideas, opinions and themes in written reading material about various topics**

10. read relevant material to get background information on current issues and events

11. read various articles and stories for enjoyment

12. read functional material for a variety of purposes (e.g., advertisements to make a purchase, brochures to plan a vacation)


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. locate and use English reference materials found in the school and public libraries

2. use multiple Internet sources to gain information for oral and written reports on topics related to personal interests and school projects

3. interview peers, teacher, family and community members in English about a variety of topics (e.g., the benefits of doing charitable acts)

4. write a 3 well-developed paragraphs on a topic of general interest (e.g., describing a process; narrating an event; supporting a point of view)

5. write a 3 paragraphs explaining a concept (e.g., what good citizenship means to me)

6. write a story with a problem and a solution

7. prepare an e-presentation to demonstrate understanding of a theme or issue related to literary works

8. complete forms (e.g. application, visa entry and exit cards, C.V.)

9. e-mail others on topics related to study needs and personal interests

10. translate short paragraphs from Arabic into English and vise versa

11. transform information from a visual or non-linear to a linear text and vice versa

12. organize information into an e-presentation

13. use and spell correctly the vocabulary appropriate for this Grade

14. write a text dictated at reasonable speed, using correct punctuation marks

15. write a paragraph using complex sentences with appropriate subordinating conjunctions (e.g., since, although, as though, unless, until, whereas, while, so that)

16. revise own written work and that of peers for clear and coherent expression of ideas

17. edit and proofread own written work and that of peers to produce final drafts with correct standard English: spelling, and punctuation

18. spell check and to edit final drafts


Secondary Stage ( commonly referred to as Grade Eleven)

General English Level One


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. recognize tone in spoken language for expressing advice, instructions, warnings, threats, regrets, blame, complaints and excuses

2. identify the characteristics of different types of speech when listening  (e.g., formal and informal)

3. use various vocal clues to predict and understand the ideas and information when listening (e.g., speed, volume, and emphasis)

4. assess the quality of the speaker's presentation style by using criteria such as volume and tone of voice

5. identify cultural influences in audio-texts and performances

6. *elicit information from some one by asking appropriate questions orally

7. *respond to oral presentations by asking relevant questions (e.g., audio-visual and class presentations)

8. distinguish fact from opinion when listening

9. listen and understand material recorded by English  speakers on specific topics

10. be able to identify the main idea of a taped talk on topics of personal or academic interest


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use online dictionaries with pronunciation function to check correct pronunciation of words

2. use an appropriate tone to influence the audience

3. prepare for a discussion by defining a position and selecting evidence to support that position

4. engage in discussions to understand details about topics in other subjects

5. interview speakers of English, if possible, on several topics of interest (e.g., food)

6. defend a position or present information by developing  well-organized informational and literary presentations

7. present evidence clearly and convincingly to support an interpretation of a story or play studied in class


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. read various types of texts silently and take notes for study purposes

2. use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words

3. use knowledge of stems and affixes to determine the meaning of new vocabulary

4. use syntax clues to understand the meaning of a text

5. make, confirm, and revise predictions based on prior knowledge and evidence from the text

6. scan an exposition for particular information

7. skim an exposition to get the gist

8. identify the characteristics of different forms of text such as narrative, factual, poetic (e.g., through analysis of  content, format, and layout of text)

9. make judgments and draw supported conclusions about ideas in written materials

10. describe information of different types (e.g., local/ foreign, contemporary/traditional

11. read for enjoyment texts recommended by peers, teachers and family members

12. read functional texts to perform task (e.g., read instructions, and use that information to perform everyday life functions)


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

        1. use multiple Internet sources to gain information for oral and written reports on topics related to personal interests and   school projects

2. locate and use print and electronic English reference materials found in the school and public libraries (e.g., multimedia on theme or issue related to literature)

3. consult FAQs on websites to locate information on specific topics for specific purposes

4. translate informational and literary reading material from Arabic into English and vice versa (four or five sentences)

5. produce written responses to analytical comprehension questions related to texts read in class

6. write 3-4 paragraphs explaining a concept (e.g., the role of technology in Jordan)

7. complete authentic forms in English (e.g., a magazine subscription form)

8. organize information to develop a central idea using well-linked paragraphs (e.g., with well-selected transition words)

9. write well-organized and coherent paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence

10. write different types of sentences

11. produce grammatically correct compound sentences with an expanded number of coordinate conjunctions (e.g., yet, for, either…or, neither…nor)

12. review own written work and that of peers for appropriate use of form, style and tone to suit intended purposes and audiences

13. edit and proofread own written work and that of peers to produce final drafts with correct standard English: spelling, punctuation, usage, and grammar


Secondary Stage ( commonly referred to as Grade Eleven)

General English Level Two


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. discern the attitude and mood of the speaker in oral discourse

2. show respect for the age and gender of the speaker

3. assess the quality of the speaker's presentation style by using criteria such as the speaker’s voice and clarity of thoughts

4. *respond to oral presentations by asking relevant questions when listening to instructions, audio-visual presentations, commentaries, and oral reports

5.  *participate in classroom discussions about topics of personal or academic interest 

6. listen critically and express an opinion about listening materials on topics of personal or academic interest

7. listen and respond positively to the ideas of others when working in groups (e.g., solving problems and making plans)

8. recognize the use of literary devices such as irony in a presentation


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use and pronounce appropriate academic vocabulary correctly when speaking

2. use grammatically correct language, including vocabulary appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose

3. discuss topics from other subjects

4. support and defend ideas in a forum (e.g., conference, meeting, etc.)

5. interview specialists in other subjects to develop research skills

6. read a simple well-known speech aloud with expression (i.e., using voice strength, gestures, eye contact… etc.)

7. use a well-structured narrative or logical argument to make a short formal presentation on a real-life topic


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. read various types of texts silently and distinguish main ideas from supporting details

2. deduce the meaning of some unknown words from context clues

3. use synonyms and similar cognates to paraphrase texts

4. read and understand authentic written English texts on topics of specific or general interest

5. identify different forms of text such as narrative, factual, poetic (e.g., through analysis of content, format, and layout)

6. make judgments and draw conclusions about ideas in written materials on the basis of evidence drawn from other sources

7.analyze information and ideas and draw conclusions about the validity of informational sources

8. make, confirm, and deduce conclusions based on prior knowledge and evidence from the text

9. recognize emotions being expressed (or experienced) when reading a short narrative

10. read functional texts to perform tasks


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use multiple Internet sources to gain information for written reports on topics related to personal interests and school projects

2. locate and use print and electronic English reference materials found in the school and public libraries (e.g., multimedia information about a topic)

3. use e-mail to contact peers or websites who may have information related to an assignment

4. write a report about an important topic 

produce a written personal reaction to text read in class

5. write a job application

6. prepare a multimedia presentation about a topic (e.g., elements of Jordanian culture that are different from or similar to other international cultures)

7. develop a central idea using 3-4 well-linked and well-developed paragraphs

8. produce essays with effective transitions within and across paragraphs

9. produce grammatically correct complex sentences with an expanded number of subordinate conjunctions (e.g., although, even though, until, since)

10. produce grammatically correct compound sentences with appropriate conjunctive adverbs (e.g., however, therefore, consequently)

11. review own written work and that of peers for appropriate use of form, style and tone to suit authentic purposes and audiences

12. edit and proofread own written work and that of peers to produce final drafts with correct standard English: spelling, punctuation, usage, and grammar


Secondary Stage ( commonly referred to as Grade Twelve)

General English Level Three


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. recognize the use of tone of voice and gestures to help clarify the meaning of information about topics and events

2. infer the meaning of new vocabulary items by using contextual and grammatical clues when listening

3. discern the attitude of speakers when listening

4. show respect for the age, gender, and position of the speaker

5. identify cultural and historical influences in audio-texts and performances

6. *respond by asking relevant questions when listening to authentic lectures, commentaries, reports and instructions

7. listen to texts and conversations in order to get the main ideas and find answers to specific queries

8. distinguish fact from opinion and fallacies when listening     

9. identify specific details from spoken stories, poems, and audio-visual media

10. listen and respond positively to the ideas of others when working in groups (e.g., solving problems and making plans)

11.recognize and be able to describe the use of literary devices such as irony in a presentation


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use and pronounce appropriate academic vocabulary correctly

2.  use grammatically correct and appropriate language for audience, purpose, and topic

3. discuss with peers evaluations of presentations done by students of upper basic grades

4. participate in discussions about personal-social or school related topics (e.g., discuss a scientific concepts or short novels such as: The Old Man and the Sea, and Animal Farm)

5. interview specialists in other subjects to research information for an essay in other subjects

6. assess a formal presentation given by an upper basic grade student by analyzing and critiquing the effectiveness of the speaker’s voice, language, gestures, clarity of thought, organization of evidence, relevance, and delivery

7. present several topics in other subjects (e.g., Newton’s Laws)

8. make a short formal presentation on a real-life topic using a well-structured narrative or logical argument

9. read aloud a well-known speech in literature using voice strength, gestures, eye contact… etc.


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use contextual clues to understand the meaning of texts (e.g., make use of the sentences that come before or after a difficult to understand section)

2. skim texts to deduce and infer the meaning of the text

3. scan texts for specific purposes

4. explain the role of linking words in a text

5. distinguish between passive and active knowledge of vocabulary (e.g., words understood when listening and reading versus words used when speaking or writing)

6.agree or disagree with an author’s point of view

7. summarize and paraphrase main ideas and supporting details in a report

8. read and understand authentic written English texts having to do with topics of general and academic interest

9. make inferences based on explicit and implicit information in texts

10. clarify and develop own points of view by examining the ideas of different authors on the same topic

11. use previous experience, knowledge of current issues, information previously learned to challenge ideas in texts

12. read instructions, credit cards, or job applications to participate in daily life situations


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use multiple Internet sources to gain information for oral and written reports on a variety of personal and academic topics

2. locate and use print and electronic English reference materials found in the school and public libraries (e.g., a film or video on a topic)

3. locate an electronic template for a résumé

4. summarize academic texts related to social and academic topics and issues

5. produce well-developed academic essays on a variety of social and academic topics

6. produce a variety of  formal authentic business texts (e.g., announcements, job applications, and résumés)

7. produce a résumé for specific purpose (e.g., for a college or university application)

8. organize ideas and information in essays logically and creatively to produce clear and interesting writing

9. develop a series of paragraphs using an organizational pattern such as an analogy (e.g., an extended comparison of an easy process or concept to explain a difficult one)

10. use and spell complex words correctly (e.g., analysis, psychology, hypothesis, research)

11. use conditional sentences correctly

12. organize and sequence information and ideas logically with appropriate conjunctive adverbs (e.g., however, therefore, consequently)

13. review own written work and that of peers for appropriate use of form, style and tone to suit authentic academic purposes and audiences

14. edit and proofread own written work and that of peers to produce final drafts with correct standard English: spelling, punctuation, usage, and grammar

15. use electronic spell and grammar check programs to edit final drafts


Secondary Stage ( commonly referred to as Grade Twelve)

General English Level Four


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. recognize how tone of voice, gestures and other non-verbal clues help clarify meaning of information about topics and events when listening to stated opinion, stories read aloud and presentations

2. discern the attitude of speakers when listening

3. use various textual and grammatical clues to predict and understand ideas when listening

4. show respect for the age, gender, position, and cultural traditions of the speaker

5. infer the bias of a speaker by using contextual and grammatical clues when listening

6. recognize and interpret figurative language in the speech of others (e.g., simile)

7. listen critically and analyze opinions when listening

8. listen to a reasonably lengthy talk by a native speaker and take notes or fill in tabular forms with specific information

9. demonstrate understanding of issues related to personal and academic needs when exchanging thoughts and ideas

10. distinguish fact, opinion, fallacies, attitudes, and implications when listening

11. develop interests as keen listeners who gain joy from listening


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use grammatically correct and simple language when speaking with upper basic grade students

2. use grammatically correct and appropriate technical language when speaking

3. use literary devices in presentations (e.g., repetition, parallelism)

4. discuss with upper basic grade students solutions for a problem (e.g., stress during exam days)

5. interview specialists in other subjects to produce academic essays

6. assess a formal presentation done by an upper basic grade student by analyzing and critiquing the effectiveness of the speaker’s demeanor, voice, language, gestures, clarity of thought, organization of evidence, and delivery

6. present topics from other subjects

7. make a short formal presentation on a real-life topic using a well-structured narrative or logical argument

8. read aloud a well-known speech in literature using voice strength, gestures, eye contact… etc.


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. use prior knowledge to deduce meaning of words and phrases

2. make predictions and inferences from the text by citing text-based evidence

3. make inferences based on implicit and explicit information and provide justification for inferences

4.paraphrase or summarize main ideas and supporting details in an academic essay

5. display some comprehension beyond the literal level in familiar texts (e.g., suggest possible explanations for a character’s actions in a short story; identify a theme in a novel)

6. support personal interpretations of a text with evidence from the text

7. read various texts silently to understand, reinforce or challenge personal views and experiences

8. use previous experience, knowledge of current issues, information previously learned to make connections and draw conclusions about what is read

9. develop own point of view on a topic after analysing the ideas of different authors

10. use personal experience to support an interpretation of a text


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. locate and use print and electronic English reference materials found in the school and public libraries

2. use multiple Internet sources to gain information for oral and written reports on a variety of academic topics (e.g., a report on a recent scientific discovery)

3. use subject-based diagrams, graphs and charts to locate specific information for a project

4. write a report explaining the value of multimedia in communication

5. produce academic essays on a variety of topics in different subject areas

6. produce a variety of formal authentic business texts (e.g., credit applications, inquiry letters, and sales letters)

7. use a multimedia presentation to demonstrate understanding of a theme or issue of general interest

8. produce essays by effectively using transitions within and across paragraphs

9. produce essays which include an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion

10. Use features of electronic information to form electronic projects

11. use and spell appropriate academic vocabulary correctly when writing (e.g., analysis, psychology, hypothesis, research)

12. organize and sequence information and ideas logically with appropriate conjunctive adverbs (e.g., furthermore, even though, as a result)

13. use conditional sentences correctly

14. make a list of organizational patterns and select the best one for a short essay

15. review own written work and that of peers for appropriate use of form, style and tone to suit authentic academic purposes and audiences

16. edit and proofread own written work and that of peers to produce final drafts with correct standard English: spelling, punctuation, usage, and grammar

17. use electronic spell and grammar check programs to edit final drafts
