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Reflective Blended Learning

Please go First to START HERE! How our

Reflective Blended Training Works Page.

You can find here  the following items:

a. Definitions of Blended Learning

b. Checklist of Reflective Blended Learning Procedures

c. Trouble shooting  and Success Tips


Definitions of Belended Learning

1. "Blended learning: Learning events that combine

aspects of online and face-to-face instruction."

Retrieved July, 23, 2006, from the World Wide Web



2. "Blended learning- Blended learning is being used across

a wide range of sectors for training and education needs.

The term has various definitions, the one used applies

to a blend of the use of ICTs alongside traditional

face-to-face learning."

Retrieved July, 23, 2006, from the World Wide Web


3. "Blended learning is the combination of multiple

approaches to pedagogy or teaching. For example:-

self-paced, collaborative or inquiry-based study.

Blended learning can be accomplished through the

use of 'blended' virtual and physical resources. Examples

 include combinations of technology-based materials

and traditional print materials.


blended learning often refers specifically to the provision

 or use of resources which combine e-learning (electronic)

 or m-learning (mobile) with other educational resources.


4. Researchers Heinze and Procter have developed the

following definition for Blended Learning

in higher education:

Blended Learning is learning that is facilitated

by the effective combination of different modes

of delivery, models of teaching and styles of learning,

and founded on transparent communication amongst

all parties involved with a course."


"Conception of Blended Learning" at


"…it's just mixing teaching and or facilitation

methods, learning styles, resource formats, a range

of technologies and a range of expertise into

a learning stream."

Retrieved July, 23, 2006, from the World Wide Web


5. "The concept of "blending" grew out of the successes

and failures of e-learning. Although some instruction

is appropriate for online delivery, there are still

many contexts in which it appears that learning

is best served by some combination of classroom,

Web-based training (WBT), synchronous online

delivery, or other electronic resources."


6. "Completely integrated instructional design

A blended solution works when all the instructional

components are considered holistically. What is less

successful, for instance, are e-learning modules just

"bolted on" to existing instructor-led training. A plan

 for blended delivery should include conducting the up

front analysis necessary, and ensuring the inclusion of

these key components of successful instruction:

interaction, instructional goals tied to performance,

and learner engagement. Each method delivering its best

Each delivery method should be chosen for what it

can deliver best. (Zenger & Uehlein, 2001) For instance,
online training can often effectively provide learners

with factual knowledge about a specific skill.

However, the content and desired learning outcome

should determine whether the practice of that skill

is appropriately accomplished online, or best done

in a classroom or authentic context.

Consider whether, in a given situation, performance

support and online resources might be more effective

than any type of instruction as a "blended solution."

Retrieved July, 23, 2006, from the World Wide Web

Felicia Douglis
Educational Technology Department
San Diego State University

Blended Learning: Choosing the Right Blend



7. "The three most commonly mentioned definitions

 documented by Graham, Allen, and Ure (2003) are:

1. BL = combining instructional modalities (or delivery

media) (Bersin & Associates, 2003; Orey, 2002a,

2002b; Singh & Reed, 2001; Thomson, 2002)

2. BL = combining instructional methods (Driscoll, 2002;

 House, 2002; Rossett, 2002)

3.BL = combining online and face-to-face instruction

(Reay, 2001; Rooney, 2003; Sands, 2002; Ward &

LaBranche, 2003; Young, 2002)

The first two positions above reflect the debate on

the influences of media versus method on learning

(Clark, 1983, 1994a, 1994b; Kozma, 1991, 1994)."


Retrieved July, 23, 2006, from the World Wide Web

Charles R. Graham, Brigham Young University, USA

From Chapter to appear in:




Bonk, C. J. & Graham, C. R. (Eds.). (in press).

Handbook of blended learning: Global Perspectives,

 local designs. San Francisco, CA: 2004 by John

Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published by Pfeiffer –

An Imprint of Wiley, 989 Market Street, San

Francisco, CA 94103-1741, Pfeiffer Publishing,


8. Definitions of Blended e-Learning according to experts

participating in a seminar:

"Information delivery At the simplest level students are increasingly directed to resources on the World Wide Web (WWW) or electronic journals in the library by their lecturers, and also use these as resources when studying independently. Many lecturers also make their lecture notes available as web-pages or PowerPoint slides on their own web-page, departmental

 web-pages or via a VLE. In this way lecturers are combining information by

traditional face-to-face means (lectures and seminars) with more flexible modes online. The advantage for the student is that they can access the online information at their own pace and in their own time to suit their learning style. More sophisticated multimedia interactive learning materials can allow students struggling with difficult concepts to re-visit and practice them at their own pace repeatedly until they feel more confident and competent.

Facilitating learning

Constructivist approaches to teaching and learning promote the value of students discussing their subject and working collaboratively to solve problems. Face-to-face tutorials can provide this kind of learning environment in real time. Email, bullet in boards and computer conferencing can offer similar opportunities for text-based group communication asynchronously outside of timetabled sessions. The blending of several communication modes gives students more flexibility in terms of the

modes in which they can communicate with their fellow students and lecturer.

Feedback and assessment

One of the things students ask for is more feedback on how their learning is

progressing. Nothing can replace the quality of a timely, one to one face-to-face conversation with their lecturer. However, this is increasingly becoming a "golden opportunity" and pragmatically other means can go a long way toward providing timely and useful feedback. For example, MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) may be made available on the web, or using specialist software at key stages in a course to give timely, formative feedback or preparation for a more conventional exam."


In "What do we mean by Blended e-Learning?"

Retrieved July, 23, 2006, from the World Wide Web




9. Definitions of Blended e-Learning from a

"Learner Perspective - Blended Learning the ability to choose among ALL available facilities,

technology, media and materials matching those that

apply to my prior knowledge and style of learning as

I deem appropriate to achieve an instructional goal

(the salad bar metaphor).


Designer/Teacher Perspective - Blended Learning the organization and distribution of ALL available

 facilities, technology, media and materials to achieve

an instructional goal even when many of these things

may overlap.


Administrator Perspective - Blended Learning the organization and distribution of as many cost

effective facilities, technology, media and materials as

economically viable to achieve an instructional goal

even when many of these things may overlap."

Michael Orey

Retrieved July, 23, 2006, from the World Wide Web



10. DR Margaret Driscoll  thinks that Blended

learning means:

1.To combine or mix modes of Web-based technology

(e.g., live virtual classroom, self-paced instruction,

collaborative learning, streaming video, audio, and text) to

accomplish an educational goal.

2. To combine various pedagogical approaches (e.g.,

constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism) to produce

an optimal learning outcome with or without instructional


3. To combine any form of instructional technology (e.g.,

videotape, CD-ROM, Web-based training, film) with

face-to-face instructor-led training.

4. To mix or combine instructional technology with

actual job tasks in order to create a harmonious effect

of learning and working.

in     "Blended Learning: Let's get beyond the hype "

By: Dr. Margaret Driscoll


Mar 1, 2002  LTI Newsline at

Retrieved July, 23, 2006, from the World Wide Web




"Blended Learning is learning which combines

online and face-to-face approaches. For example:-

self-paced, collaborative or inquiry-based study.

Blended learning can be accomplished through

the use of 'blended' virtual and physical resources.

 Examples include combinations of technology-based

 materials and traditional print materials. The concept

of blended learning has particular relevance

 to language learning."




Blended Learning Models By Purnima Valiathan

"The term blended learning is used to describe a

solution that combines several different delivery

methods, such as collaboration software, Web-based

courses, EPSS, and knowledge management practices.

 Blended learning also is used to describe learning

that mixes various event-based activities, including

 face-to-face classrooms, live e-learning, and

self-paced learning."


B. Checklist of Reflective Blended Learning Procedures

Coming Soon!



C. Trouble shooting  and Success Tips

Coming Soon!



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