Remedial Activities Page 2
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Action Pack 2 Training (2nd Page)

12th Grade Content Analysis

12th Grade Standards

Action Pack 8, Grade 8 Training (3rd Page)

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Daily Lesson Plan Page 2

Lesson Planning Page 3 (Strategies)

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 1

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 2

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 3

Exemplar of Performance-based Assessment

Remedial Activities Page 2

8th Grade Content Analysis page 3

12th Grade Audio Vocational Literature


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Text to Speech/ Speech to Text


Remedial Activities samples


1. Draft papers  from Training Workshops at ALC,

 DT&E, (2005/2006)

prepared by Abdallah Judeh, Khalid Nabulsi, Ahmad Faqih,

Mohammad Momani, Majed Rawashdeh

and Mahmoud  Soboh

2. The above team members were co-authors of the

Guide for Remedial Activities (According  to Students'

Learning Styles).(2007) , MOE, Amman, Jordan


The  format of sample activities here can be  

used for all Grades.


Please check:

- Remedial and Revision Points for secondary Level

- the Learning Styles

- Diagnostic Test  pages (tests) on this

site for more.


Grade 7, Textbook: Action Pack 7

SB, Lesson  5 & 6  page 52

Outcomes/ Difficulties

Writing parts of speech

To identify the parts of speech (e.g. verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs)           


Procedures (Activities / Techniques / and Aids)

1. Teacher asks students to read the text carefully then underline the verbs.

 (Learning Style Visual, Refer to Support Sheet (1)

2. Teacher asks students to read the text carefully then underline the nouns.

 (Learning Style Visual, Refer to Support Sheet (2)

3. Teacher asks students to read the text carefully then underline the adjectives.

(Learning Style Visual l, Refer to Support Sheet  (3)

4. Teacher asks students to read the text carefully then underline the adverbs.

(Learning Style Visual, Refer to Support Sheet (4)

5. Teacher asks the students to read the text carefully then identify regular

and irregular verbs. (Learning Style Visual, Refer to Support Sheet (5)

6. Teacher provides the students with the following verbs then asks them to us

 them in writing a short diary. (listen , play , watch , visit , study)

 (Learning Style Visual, Refer to Support Sheet (6)         


Checking the students' answers     


There are 12 units, 16 lessons and activity sheets and

Answers. The lessons cover the following topics:

  1. The basic parts of a simple sentence...etc.

Basics, Nouns, Verbs...etc.


Support Sheet (1)

 Read the following text carefully then underline the verbs.

Hi Omar,

Here we are in India .Last week we travelled to Agra in the north. We visited the

Taj Mahal, built in 1653. It's an amazing royal palace. We listened to a wonderful

 concert of Indian music, and watched an Indian dance. India is a huge country .

The population is over 1,000 million here. It has one of the world's largest

Muslim populations, but most people are Hindu.

Support Sheet (2)

Read the following text carefully then underline the nouns.

Hi Omar,

Here we are in India .Last week we travelled to Agra in the north. We visited the

Taj Mahal, built in 1653. It's an amazing royal palace . We listened to a wonderful

 concert of Indian music , and watched an Indian dance. India is a huge country .

The population is over 1,000 million here. It has one of the world's largest

Muslim populations, but most people are Hindu.

Support Sheet (3)

Read the following text carefully then underline the adjectives.

Hi Omar,

Here we are in India .Last week we travelled to Agra in the north. We visited the

Taj Mahal, built in 1653. It's an amazing royal palace. We listened to a wonderful

 concert of Indian music, and watched an Indian dance. India is a huge country .

The population is over 1,000 million here. It has one of the world's largest

Muslim populations, but most people are Hindu.

Support Sheet (4)

Read the following text carefully then underline the adverbs.

Hi Omar,

Here we are in India .Last week we travelled to Agra in the north. We visited the

Taj Mahal, built in 1653. It's an amazing royal palace. We listened to a wonderful

 concert of Indian music, and watched an Indian dance. India is a huge country .

The population is over 1,000 million here. It has one of the world's largest

Muslim populations, but most people are Hindu.

Support Sheet (5)

Read the following text carefully then complete the following table with the

regular or irregular verbs that are found in it .

Hi Omar,

Here we are in India .Last week we travelled to Agra in the north. We visited the

Taj Mahal, built in 1653. It's an amazing royal palace. We listened to a wonderful

 concert of Indian music, and watched an Indian dance. India is a huge country .

The population is over 1,000 million here. It has one of the world's largest

Muslim populations, but most people are Hindu.

Regular verb                                       Irregular verbs

------------------                                     -----------------------

------------------                                     -----------------------

------------------                                    -----------------------


Support Sheet (6)

Use the following verbs in writing a short diary.

( Listen , Play , Watch , Visit , Study)


AB, Unit 4, Exe 3, Page 26 . 

Outcomes/ Difficulties

To follow directions using a map             


Procedures (Activities / Techniques / and Aids)               

1. Teacher provides students with pictures and asks them to match

the picture with the correct prepositions.

(Learning Style Visual, Refer to Support Sheet (A)

2. Teacher provides students with pictures and phrases on cards

then asks them to match the phrases with the suitable pictures.

 (Learning Style Visual, Refer to Support Sheet (B)

3. Teacher provides  students with a map of a school and flash cards

with directions and asks them to follow directions to reach the library.

(Learning Style Kinesthetic,  Refer to Support Sheet (C)  

4. Teacher provides students with jumbled sentences or cards

 and asks them to arrange them in the way that leads to the library.

(Learning Style Kinesthetic, Refer to Support Sheet ( D)



 Checking the students' ability to identify directions correctly. After completing

this activity, students can use maps actively. This means that they

can identify directions, destinations of sites and places. They

 are , then, able to continue with mainstream activities in unit 4.                                                                         



Support Sheet (A)

Bring or draw traffic signs that show directions. Then ask students to

make to move a toy car over a city map to reach various city facilities

such as the City Hall, The Main Square, the Bridge, the Post Office,

the Hospital...etc.  according to given instructions

Match the phrases with the suitable Positions, instructions as

you move on on the map.


Go right, Go left, Stop, Go along, Opposite, in front of ...etc. 


Support Sheet (B)

Draw  pictures of a table with a ball in different positions. Then ask students to

 match the pictures with the correct prepositions that describe the positions of

the ball. Use the following prepositions:


Over, on, next to, beside,  behind, in, in front of ...etc.


Support Sheet (C)

Using flash cards to follow the directions to reach the library.

Make flash cards using the following instructions, then draw a map of

a building/ a school where students can apply the instructions. You can

organize a competition  between two teams to decide who gets to the  

designated target first by following instructions in the given order.


Turn left, Go straight ahead, Go straight along,

Take the 2nd turn right/ left, Turn right/ left...etc.


Support Sheet (D)

Using jumbled directions  on the flash cards.

Make flash cards using the following instructions, then draw a map of

a building where students can apply the instructions.

Ask students to arrange them so that they lead to the library .

Turn left, Go straight ahead, Go straight along,

Take the 2nd turn right/ left, Turn right/ left...etc.


SB ,Unit 5 pps 38-44

Outcomes/ Difficulties

To distinguish the main ideas from other less important ones in a paragraph .

To distinguish between the main idea and supporting ones .


Procedures (Activities / Techniques / and Aids)

1. Teacher provides students with a short paragraph and asks them to identify the

main idea. (Learning Style Visual Verbal, Refer to Support Sheet (A 1)

2. Teacher provides students with a short paragraph and asks them to identify

the main idea. (Learning Style Visual Verbal,  Refer to Support Sheet (A 2)

3. Teacher provides students with a recorded text and asks them to identify the

main idea. (Learning Style Auditory, Refer to Support Sheet (A 3)

4. Teacher provides students with a jumbled -sentence paragraph written on

cards. He asks students to rearrange the sentences making sure that they select

the sentence that contains the main idea first.

(Learning Style Visual, Refer to Support Sheet (B)



If the students still show confusion over distinguishing main ideas in a text,

then provide them with relevant reading texts with the topic sentence highlighted

by color code



What is a paragraph?

Topic Sentence location interactive practice

Support Sheet (A1)

Read the following paragraph then choose the letter which indicates the number

of the sentence that includes the main idea .


(1) Harrods has a very famous store . (2) More than 300,000 shoppers come on

the first day of the sale. (3)  some people queue all night out side

the store in the cold to get the best bargains . 


  • a- Sentence number ( 2 ) .
  • b- Sentence number ( 1 ) .
  • c- Sentence number ( 3 ) .


Support Sheet (A2)

Read the following paragraph carefully then choose the letter which indicates

the number of the sentence that includes the main idea.


(1) Some shoes cost 1.6 million dollars. (2) They are made of precious metal .

(3) Harrods shoes are the most expensive shoes .


  • a- Sentence number ( 3 ) .
  • b- Sentence number ( 2 ) .
  • c- Sentence number ( 1 ) .


Support Sheet (A3)

Read the following paragraph carefully then choose the letter which

indicates the number of the sentence that includes the main idea.


(1) Diwali is the Hindu "Festival of the lights".  (2) It happens in Autumn .       

(3)  It lasts for five days.  (4) It celebrates the triumph of good over evil  .


  • a- Sentence number ( 4 ) .
  • b- Sentence number ( 3 ) .
  • c- Sentence number ( 1 ) .
  • d- Sentence number ( 2 )



Support Sheet (B)

Read the following paragraph carefully then choose the diagram that shows

the best classification of the main idea and the supporting ideas.


(1)  Najeeb Mahfouz is a famous Arab writer. (2) He was born in Egypt in 1911.     

(3) He began writing when he was 17.  (4) He has written 30 novels .










