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Sample secondary level items for training on item construction

These sample items have nothing to do with the General Secondary Certificate Exam. They are for training purposes.

Reading Comprehension extract

In South Africa, football provided a focus for black resistance when normal political processes were closed off to them by apartheid. Football could be organised and run by blacks,  and didn't require expensive equipment,  and owed nothing to the official governing institutions. Today, crowds of 100,000 and more can be seen regularly at games, from Soweto to Cairo, and a growing number of African players are turning into stars of the European game.

              Football has become the most popular game in the world. Its premier competition, the World Cup, is the biggest sporting event on the planet, eclipsing even the Olympic Games. It has been used by politicians from the despotic to the democratic, and is coveted by businesses and televisions for the large amount of income it can generate. It has provided people with a means of social and political expression and has often been the focus of local or national pride. The argument that sport and politics shouldn't mix ignores the very important function a sport has always had. Sport and politics cannot be separated any more than football can be divorced from its social roots and survive.

Question Number x:

a. Write down two reasons that made football a popular game in Africa.       

b. Could any  other sport have done the same function that football provided in South Africa ? Why? Why not?( Explain the reasons for your answer.)                       

c. Besides national pride, what else does football provide people with ?        

Question Number x:

a. Find a word in paragraph I, which means "not allowed".                  

b. What does the underlined pronoun "Its" in the second paragraph refer to?

c. What does the word "provided" in the second paragraph mean ?             

Question Number x:

Write the word "true" if the statement is true, and the word "false" if the statement is false.

a. Football in South Africa is a successful sport.                                         

b. The main function of sport is to separate people from each other.    



Write about 100 words on ONE of the following


a.   Discuss the following statement : (Voluntary work is the responsibility of all

        people toward their societies).

b.  Computers have become  a very important source of information.  Write about the

 advantages and the disadvantages of having computers at home.

c.  Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about a wedding party you attended.

 Describe what happened and elaborate on your reasons  for being interested in certain details of the wedding.



Choose the correct form of the word from those given in brackets to complete each of the following sentences.

a. In some countries, there are jobs ------------- only by men.

(dominate , dominated, domination)

b. --------------,  brides wear a long white dress when they get married.

(Traditions , Traditionally , Traditional)


Choose the suitable answer from those in brackets to complete each  of the following items.

1. I will join you as soon as I get -------------- my work.

(down, through, up , over)

2. There was a road accident at the traffic lights, fortunately -----------people were injured.       (few, a few, much, little)

3. He ought to have helped his father. This means that ---------

a.        he helped his father                 

b.        he didn’t help his father

c.        he will help his father                              

d.        he wanted to help his father but wasn’t able to

Structure/ Function

Study these  two sentences

1.      If  Jim had studied hard, he would have passed the exam.

2.      If Jim hadn’t studied hard, he wouldn’t have passed the exam.

On the line provided , write the sentence which means that Jim passed the exam.


Secondary Level objectives for the purposes

of training on constructing test items


a.      Obtain the general idea or gist

b.     Identify the type of text

c.     Differentiate main idea from supporting details

d.     Extract specific information

e.      Infer the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items 

f.       Recognize equivalence of meaning of  textual


g.     Show understanding of text through the use of

        cohesive devices and discourse markers

h.     Distinguish facts from opinions

i.        Distinguish between the main writing styles

j.        Infer the writer’s attitude using structural clues

k.     Sort out information according to given criteria

l.        Identify different relationships within a

        text (cause & effect)



a.      Select the appropriate response to

        given situations

b.     Identify the function of given statements

       using the list functions in SB



Determine different types of relationships

      between words, phrases or sentences



1.     Recognize the appropriate form of a lexical

       item in a given context

2.     Use lexical items in a correct grammatical form

3.     Use lexical items to produce semantically and

       grammatically  correct sentences

4.     Deduce the meaning and use of unfamiliar

       lexical items through contextual clues



a)     Identify the correct tense form in a given context

b)    Identify function of structures with reference to

         the list of structures in the Students’

c)     Book syllabus

d)    Produce grammatically and semantically correct

         sentences through the selection of appropriate structural

         items from the lists in  the table of contents

e)     Produce sentences using coordinators /


f)      Produce complex sentences using

         adverbial clauses

g)     Produce complex sentences using

         adjective clauses

h)     Identify relations between ideas using

         appropriate linking words

i)       Report sentences and questions

j)       Transform active into passive voice

k)     Recognize the correct use of the notion of

        time through appropriate use of tenses



a)     Identify statements that summarize main ideas

b)    Identify the strategy used in the development or

       organization of a text

c)     Identify the appropriate use of grammatical and

       structural elements at the sentence level

d)    Identify the use of different types of clauses that

       express notions such as cause, result or contrast…etc.

e)     Complete a guided writing task from arrange of

       written tasks at the sentence or text level such as a 

        descriptive text.

f)      Use correctly the punctuation marks

g)     Form grammatically and semantically compound

        and complex sentences from given jumbled parts



Types of tasks suitable for test construction at the secondary level


Testing Listening

At the word level :

     -    discrimination of words ( homophones)

-         clusters of consonants/ vowels/ diphthongs

-         stress

-         problematic orthographic-phonemic aspects

At the sentence level:

-         Mini-talks

-         Functions- correct responses

-         Dialogue completion

-         Transforming spoken texts to on-linear formats

At the text level:

-         Comprehension of ideas in  various text types

-         Comprehension elements such as:

           a. identifying the main idea

           b. discrimination of supporting details

           c. analysis of basic relationships between various textual

               elements ( meaning and linguistic)




At the word level :

-         discrimination of meaning of isolated vocabulary items (words/ terms, expressions, idioms) synonyms, antonyms

-         discrimination of meaning of vocabulary items in contexts (words/ terms, expressions, idioms) synonyms, antonyms

-         This takes the form of gap-filling, identifying the meaning of underlined items…

-         Problematic orthographic-phonemic aspects

-         Analogies


At the sentence level:

-         matching

-         Functions- correct responses to given situations

-         Semantic meaning  of certain structures

-         Dialogue completion

-         Transforming spoken texts to non-linear formats


At the Short text/ Sentence Level


·        Use of cohesive devices

·        Dialogue completion

·        Correction of faulty elements

·        Word order

·        Recognition of the structure of clauses, nominal, adverbials…

·        Recognition of the structures of the noun phrase


The following samples are prepared by Mr. Farid Husheish, English Language Supervisor at the Private Education Directorate.

Mobile Phone:    06  0795492344

e-mail: www.faridabuyousif@yahoo.com







The fatigue we normally experience after a long journey is accentuated when we fly from east to west or vice versa because we cross time zones. Air travel is so quick nowadays that we can leave London after breakfast and be in New York in eight hours, yet what really disturbs us most is that when we arrive, it is only lunch time but we have already had   lunch on the plane and are expecting dinner.

Doctors say that since air travelers are in no condition to work after crossing a number of time zones, they should go straight to bed on arrival. Airline pilots, in fact, whose experience is obviously relevant that it ought to serve as a guide, often live by their own watches, ignoring local time, and have breakfast at midnight if necessary. They have far less reason to worry about their health than executives because they are used to flying and are physically fit.

Businessmen who go on long-distance flights, however, are usually out for promotion and flattered to have been chosen because it adds to their status and prestige in the firm. They are lucky if the company is enlightened enough to insist on them taking the doctor’s advice and resting for a day before working. Sometimes the managing director is such an energetic character that he expects everyone to be as fit as he is. As he has never felt any ill effects after flying himself, the schedule he lays down is so exacting that the employee is too exhausted to carry it out satisfactorily. He must either go straight to an important meeting as soon as his plane touches down or else return as soon as the meeting is over to report to his boss. Dynamic tycoons of this type often do not realize how disastrous this policy may be for the man’s health and the company’s reputation.

1.     According to the passage, we experience fatigue

a.      only when we cross time zones.

b.     on long flights crossing from west towards the west.

c.     when we arrive at lunch time.

d.     when we don’t eat lunch on the plane.

2. The underlined pronoun “he” in line (21) refers to
          a. the directing manager

          b. the employee

          c. the boss

          d. the pilot

3. The most appropriate title for this passage is
          a. Businessmen on Air

          b. Long-distance Flights

          c. Fatigue Caused by Air Travel

         d. How Pilots Fly

4. After long-distance flights, pilots
         a. go straight to bed.

         b. take no notice of local time.

         c. ignore doctor’s advice.

         d. are worried about their health.

5. Energetic managing directors expect their employees

         a. to go direct to important meetings.

         b. to be obedient to their bosses.

         c. to realize how disastrous this could be to the company.

         d. to mind their health.

6. The two cities, London and New York are

         a. the biggest cities in the world.

         b. not in the same time zone.

         c. belong to the same time zone.

         d. examples of different meal times.

7. The word “accentuated” in line (2) can best be replaced by the word

         a. removed                            b. noticed

         c. decreased                          d. increased

8. It can be inferred from the passage that

         a. some companies insist on taking doctors’ advice.

         b. companies take no notice of doctor’s advice.

         c. only enlightened companies ignore doctor’s advice.

         d. managing directors’ schedules help employees to take doctor’s    


9. The word “tycoon” in line (24) refers to        

         a. the employees who go on long-distance flights.

         b. the managers who set people to work.

         c. the businessmen who own and run big companies.

         d. the people who cause disasters to the company’s reputation.

10.  The passage suggests that

         a. both executives and pilots are used to flying.

         b. executives do not have to worry about their health.

         c. crossing time zones causes no harm to doctors.

         d. executives are not as physically fit as pilots. 





Astronomers no longer regard as fanciful the idea that they may one day pick up signals which have been sent by intelligent beings on other worlds. This possibility gives rise to interesting speculations. Highly advanced civilizations may have existed on other plants long before intelligent forms of life evolved on the earth. Conversely, intelligent beings which are just beginning to develop on remote worlds may be ready to pick up our signals in thousands of years’ time, or when life on earth becomes extinct. Such speculations no longer belong to science fiction, for astronomers are now exploring the chances of communicating with other living creatures (if they exist) on distant planets. This undertaking which has been named Project Ozma was begun in 1960, but it may take a great many years before results are obtained.

Aware of the fact that it would be impossible to wait thousands or millions of years to receive an answer from a distant planet, scientists engaged in Project Ozma are concentrating their attention on stars which are relatively close. Even if contact were eventually established, astronomers would not be able to rely on language to communicate with other beings. They would use mathematics as this is the only truly universal language. Numbers have the same value anywhere. For this reason, intelligent creatures in any part of the universe would be able to understand a simple arithmetical sequence. They would be able to reply to our signals using similar methods. The next step would be to try to develop means for sending television pictures. A single picture would tell us more than thousand of words. In an age when anything seems to be possible, it would be narrow–minded in the extreme to ridicule speculations of e-mailing some creature on another planet or even using your cell phone to have a nice chat with him or her.


1.   This passage is mainly about

          a. Project Ozma                        b. Means of Communication
          c. Life on other Planets              d. Intelligent Creatures

2. To the writer, thousands of words are not equal to

          a. one picture                            b. a simple arithmetical sequence

          c. one e-mail                             d. cellular phone chat

3. The underlined word “conversely” in line (5) indicates the idea of

          a. similarity                               b. cause and effect

          c. time sequence                       d. contrast

4. The scientists in Project Ozma give focus to their work on close planets because

          a. life could not exist on distant planets.

          b. signals are not received from distant planets.

          c. it takes less time for signals to arrive from close planets.

          d. close planets are bigger in size than distant planets.

5. After receiving the signal, the writer gives ---------- means of communicating with intelligent creatures on other planets.

          a. three                            b. four

          c. two                                       d. five

6. According to the passage, the idea that life exists on other parts of the universe according to the passage

          a. is not possible                  b. cannot be believed

          c. is strange but possible     d. belongs to science fiction

7. The scientists who are interested in this science are called

          a. astronomers                b. science fiction writers

          c. mathematicians            d. computer experts

8. The word “undertaking” in line (10) means

          a. plan                             b. story

          c. project                        d. existence

9. The expression “may have existed” in line (4) expresses

          a. certainty                      b. permission

          c. possibility                             d. ability

10. When there is no more life on the earth, the creatures on the other parts of the universe

          a. may come to live on the earth.

          b. may pick up our signals.

          c. will send their answers to our signals.

          d. will communicate with each other.





One of the greatest advances in modern technology has been the invention of computers which are widely used in industry, universities, hospitals and small offices. They are also used by ordinary people and school children.  Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning. They can solve the most complex mathematical problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order. Because they work accurately and at high speeds, they save research workers years of hard work.

These machines can be put to varied uses. For instance, they can provide information on the best way to prevent traffic accidents, or they can count the number of times the word “and” has been used in a whole book. By providing a computer with a patient’s symptoms, a doctor will be able to diagnose the nature of his/ her illness. Computers could be used to keep a check on a patient’s health record and bring it up to date. Doctors will therefore have immediate access to a great many facts which will help them in their work. Book-keepers and accountants, too, could be relieved of dull clerical work, for the tedious task of compiling and checking lists of figures could be done entirely by computers.

However, some people still believe that it is a mistake to believe computers could ‘think’. Though computers are capable of learning from their mistakes and improving on their performance, they need detailed instructions from human beings in order to be able to operate. They can never, as it were, lead independent lives, or ‘rule the world’ by making decisions of their own. Computers are the most efficient servants man has ever had and there is no limit to the way they can be used to improve our lives.


 1. A good title for this passage would be  

a. How computers work   
b. Do Computers Think?
c. What Computers can do
d. Man-made Machines

2.  According to the passage, the two qualities that make computers more efficient than man are
          a. speed and accuracy
          b. intelligence and hard work

          c. honesty and efficiency

          d. complexity and decision making

3. The passage suggests that

          a. computers have been invented to relieve man of thinking.

          b. man is still the master of the machine.

          c. machines, like computers, can replace man on earth.

          d. compiling and checking lists of figures are tedious for


4. The word ‘therefore’ in line (15) expresses the idea of

          a. reason                                   b. contrast

          c. conclusion                            d. concession

5. It can be inferred from the passage that

          a. there are other great inventions in modern technology.

          b. computers are the only great invention in modern technology.

          c. computers can not be used in small businesses.

          d. computers will replace doctors in hospitals.

5. The underlined word ‘entirely’ in line (18) could be best replaced by

          a. extremely                              b. increasingly

          c. possibly                                c. fully

6. The last sentence in the passage

          a. states the main idea.               b. restates the main idea.

          c. supports the main idea.                   d. gives more detailed facts.

7. Computers are useful to doctors because

          a. they relieve them of tedious clerical work.

          b. they provide them with useful information about patients.

          c. much of compiling and checking will be done by computers.

          d. they are up to date.

8. With the help of computers, motorists would be able to avoid

          a. traffic jams                            b. very heavy traffic

          c. accidents                              d. bad news about traffic

9. Solving mathematical problems is an example of computers being used

          a. in industry                             b. in learning

          c. independently                       d. accurately

10.  The last paragraph suggests that it is possible for the computer to

          a. think independently                b. rule the world

      c. give detailed instructions        d. make mistakes




A)   Fill in the blank space with the most appropriate alternative.

1.     Near the city of Ajloun, stands an ------------castle which was built  in the middle ages.

        a. great      b. interesting          c. enormous          d. ancient

2.     My father is expecting a -----------in two or three months. He will be in a better position when he becomes a director, I guess.
a. prominent           b. promotion         c. policy        d. prize

3.     The last ----------of the volcano did not cause as much damage as the one in 1920.
a. eruption              b. earthquake         c. destruction        d. record

4.     The policeman explained the ---------- to the crowd who wanted to know what had happened.
a. rules         b. regulations         c. strategy             d. incident

5.     When we got to the crossroads, we turned right and went in the direction the ---------- was pointing.
a. the police            b. the post       c. the signpost       d. crossroads

6.     Professor Reynolds told the audience that the ---------- of the study were disturbing.
a. plans                  b. findings             c. people               d. facts

7.     Scientists, poets and novelists have enlightened ---------- of their country’s identity and future.
a. novels                b. limits                 c. experiments       d. visions

8.      We should not believe all the ---------- we hear ; people are fond of such meaningless and ill-natured talk.
a. gossip                b. facts                  c. discussion                   d. events

9.     We all felt ---------- about the stranger. His told the police about his movements and acts.
a. significant           b. suspicious         c. careful     d. interested

10. Recent ---------- have revealed other buildings designed in the same style.
a. excavations         b. patterns             c. systems             d. roles

B)   Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined words and phrases.  

1. One in five people in the United Kingdom is ignorant about science that they think the Sun revolves around the earth.
      a. knowledgeable                                b. interested

      b. not aware                                       d. not enthusiastic

2. Some people still have the notion that only certain types of jobs are appropriate for women.
      a. plan                                                b. opinion
      c. movement                                      d. priority

3. It is evident to all of us that the country’s economy is improving.
      a. clear                                               b. important

      c. possible                                         d. understandable

4. The man’s accent betrayed him to be a foreigner.

      a. announced                            b. revealed

      c. made him accepted               d. worried

5. The old man did not want to dispose of his father’s land. It is a treasure that should be passed to his sons and grandsons.

      a. get rid of                               b. build

      c. cultivate                                d. sell



A) Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate alternative.  
1. It ---------- in the little girl’s mind that she had never seen a rabbit with two heads before.
          a. thought                                 b. flashed

          c. stayed                                   d. amazed

2. It is a great ---------- to have a doctor living in the neighborhood. All one has to do is just to ring.

          a. indifference                           b. energy

          c. convenience                          d. acceptance

3. The ---------- of the daily newspaper responded positively to the points raised in my article.

          a. editor                                    b. proof editing

          c. journalist                               d. principal

4. The ---------- of all citizens are guaranteed in the country’s constitution.

          a. parliament b. votes                 c. candidates         d. rights

5. The  rescue  team were asked to take ----------- against fire and heavy smoke coming from the open doors.

a. masks                b. precautions        c. rations               d. pebbles

6. Unfortunately, some people’s sayings are in ---------- with their doings. The say something and do its opposite.

a. charter               a. agreement          c. conflict              d. balance

7. When the children have ----------, we can  discuss all the details of the project in a  calm and relaxed way.

          a. set out               b. settled down      c. got up         d. called up

8. The two leaders signed the --------------- of friendship and cooperation.

          a. treaty                 b. treasure             c. embargo      d. treatment

9. All mothers and housewives should be given training in the --------- of food to guarantee safe food keeping.

a. conversation      b. fermentation      c. purchase      d. preservation

10. The old man was ----------- by age and long illness. You wouldn’t know him when you  see him.

          a. huddled             b. emaciated          c. treated     d. privileged


B) Choose the words or phrases that can replace the underlined words or phrases in the following sentences.


1. The majority of the present members voted in favour of the law proposed by the youngest MP.

          a. against                                  b. in agreement with

          c. contrary to                            d. different from

2. My friend was awarded the first prize for his meritorious efforts and services to the local community.

          a. obvious                                b. harmful

          c. intelligent                              d. praiseworthy

3. The committee members do their best to draw up plans for the new courses of training as required.

          a. prepare                                 b. discuss

          c. depend on                            d. try out

 4. The journalists assembled all the facts before writing his final report on the incident.

          a. built                   b. evaluated           c. gathered            d. tested

5. I don’t recall that man’s face. I don’t think I have never seen him before.

          a. remind               b. remember          c. collect               d. receive



A) Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate word or phrase from the given alternatives.

1.     ----------- foundations play an important role in helping the poor and improving people’s lives.
a. Global      b. Charitable     c. Interactive     d. Complex

2.     The Jordanian youth feel that education is their best -----------  for the future.
a. industry                                b. organization                                   c. participation                          d. investment

3.     Plastic waste can be ------------ to produce new material for industrial purposes.
a. recycled       b. designed        c. invested        d. stressed

4.     I took some ---------- courses in Russian before going to Russia last year.
a. protective                             b. stressful                                                    c. intensive                               d. impressive

5.     This plant ----------- from the southern part of Africa. It was brought here only years ago.
a. disturbed                              b. originated
c. concentrated                         d. digested


B) Choose the correct form of the word from those given in brackets to complete the following sentences.

1.     The players will be ------------ examined before playing the game.   

a. physical                                b. physically
c. physician                              d. physics

2.     There is a growing ---------- among teachers to improve their performance.
a. tended                                  b. tending
c. tendency                               d. tends

3.     The majority of the population reacted ---------- to the idea of building a new hospital in the area.
a. favourable                             b. favoured
c. favour                                   d. favourably

4.     People are inclined to do ----------- work in times of comfort.
a. creative                                 b. creatively
c. creativity                               d. create

5.     Your ideas will surely -----------all the present members.
a. impression                            b. impressive
c. impressed                                       d. impress

C) Choose the word or phrase that keeps the meaning of the sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase in each of the following sentences.

1.     We can not remain indifferent to the problems of those little children. We have to do something.
a. interested                              b. not caring for
c. worried about                       d. complaining about

2.     The girl who won the scholarship was quite outstanding.
a. well-known                           b. active
c. important                              d. brilliant

3.     I opened my eyes and looked at the luminous hands of my watch and went back to sleep.
a. glowing                                 b. growing
c. intelligent                              d. moving

4.     The old man died peacefully at the age of 105.
a. passed away                         b. passed by
c. marked out                           d. got up

5.     The girl was endowed with great talents.
a. granted                                 b. born
c. engaged                                d. interested




Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. Horror films make children nervous and ----------.  
          a. aggression                   b. aggressive        

c. aggressors                   d. aggressively

2. When they ---------- nervous, they rub their noses.

a. are                     b. rubbed              c. have rubbed       d. would rub

3. ---------- findings of my study will be published in the local newspaper.

a. X                       b. A                      c. The                             d. An

4. The water ---------- to the city by means of a side channel which they carved from the rock..

a. will be brought                                b. brought

c. had brought                                    d. was brought

5. We told the visitors that --------------------------- .

a. they would see all the secrets of the castle.

b. to see all the secrets of the castle.

c. what would they see in the castle.

d. wouldn’t they see all the secrets of the castle.

6. You ----------- wear your glasses, Salma. The report is written in large letters.

          a. don’t have to                        b. must

          c. needn’t                                 d. shouldn’t

7. The  storyteller was not in the mood. You ---------- have asked him to tell the story again and again.

          a. could                 b. should               c. must                  d. shouldn’t

8. If  I had time and money, I ------------ all the historical places in my country.

          a. would visit         b. visited      c. will visit             d. had visited

9. We were ------------- that we would miss the flight.

          a. frightening          b. frightened          c. frightens            d. fright

10. I am going to have this letter ---------------- tomorrow morning.

          a. typing      b. to type              c. typed                 d. will be typed

11. Compared ----------- its European neighbors, Britain appeared to be knowledgeable in the field of biology.      

          a. at             b. by           c. for           d. with

12. Besides -------------- children, women organize family life and make home budgets.

          a. coming out                           b. bringing up                                     c. taking on                              d. making do

13. I do not know why --------------------------- .

          a. do some people come late to work.

          b. some people come to work late.

          c. don’t some people come to work late.

          d. will some people come to works late.

14. As a student, you -------------- be here before eight o'clock. This is a school law.

          a. must        b. should               c. needn’t              d. need

15. The conditions in this room are too bad for us to work. This sentence means that we -------------- work in this room.

          a. may         b. have to              c. needn’t              d. can’t

16. --------------- did the thief get into the house? --Through the window.

          a. How        b. How long          c. Why        d. What for

17. A: How do you find this book?

      B: ---------------------------------.

          a. on the table                           b. from the librarian

          c. fascinating                            d. two days ago

18. Some of the people interviewed ------------- hesitant to say their names.

          a. were         b. was                   c. has been            d. does not like to

19. Do I have to take the test today?

          a. No, you don’t have to take it today.

          b. Yes, you can take it today.

          c. No, you needn’t take it today.

          d. Yes, I’m afraid you should.

20. If the news --------------- bad, do not go around the place and shout.

          a. is             b. are           c. were                  d. will be  


A) Choose the correct answer. 

1.     Participants in the competition ---------- wear yellow, green or red T-shirts.
a. will           b. can          c. should               d. must

2.     Rami got up early, -------- couldn’t catch the first bus to the airport.
a. and          b. for           c. so                     d. but

3.     Look at that man. He speaks very fluent English; he has an American accent. He ----------- be British.
a. can’t        b. must        c. might                 d. won’t

4.     ---------- news of the accident has been reported to all places.
a. A             b. An           c. The                   d. X

5.     We ------------- in this part of the country.
a. have always lived                   b. have lived always
c. always have lived                  d. always will live

6.     ------------- patience and tolerance are good qualities in man.
a. The                   b. X             c. A             d. An

7.     If the volcano had erupted again, a lot of people ------------- their properties.
a. would lose                            b. had lost
c. lost                                       d. would have lost

8.     If Sameer had visited the Pyramids, he would have written a good poem about them. The sentence means that Sameer -----------.
a. did not visit the Pyramids                b. wrote a good poem
c. visited the Pyramids              d. would not visit the Pyramids

9.     When I came into the hall, all the members ----------  a video film about the company. So I joined them and watched the film. 
a. had watched                                   b. were watching
c. have watched                                  d. had been watching

10. The boys were sent home after they ---------- kept at school for eight hours.
a. had          b. are           c. have been          d. had been

11. Our soldiers guard our borders day and night, ------------- their eyes open for intruders.
a. keep         b. to keep              c. keeping              d. kept

12. We all read the article ------------- was in the local newspaper.
a. which       b. who                  c. whom                d. when

13. This is the businessman ----------- house my uncle built last year.
a. whom      b. whose               c. which                d. that

14. Remind me ------------- the day and the date at the top of the page.
a. writing               b. wrote                c. to write              d. written

15. I am buying a car next week. This sentence means that --------------.
a. I have  a plan to buy a car.

     b. I may buy a car next week.
     c. I have a reason for buying.

     d. I have made arrangements for that.

16. In my team there are fifteen girls, most of -------- are good at English.
a. whom                b. who         c. that          d. whose

17. Tom decided to sell his farm, leave the country ----------- live in the city.
a. but           b. or                      c. and          d. so

18. Reem did not answer all the questions as required by the exam paper. She -------------- all of them.
a. could have answered                       b. would have answered
c. must answer                                   d. should have answered

19. While ------------- down the street, I ran into an old friend.
a. walking              b. to walk              c. was walking       d. walked

--------------- he did not show up at the interview, he was not considered for the job.
a. Although            b. Despite              c. Because             d. Why  



Choose the letter of the most appropriate answer.

1.     That man on the roof ----------- the red tiles over my balcony; he’s almost finished.
a. has fixed            b. is fixing             c. fixes        d. will fix

2.     Al-Sabila ----------- in 1990 as part of Al-Hassan’s Award outdoor activities.
a. was introduced                               b. introduced
c. had introduced                               d. had been introduced

3.     They won’t buy anything at the fair unless they ------------ told to.
a. were         b. have been          c. are           d. will be

4.     That piece of land was ------------ from the great grandfather to his sons and then remained in the family.
a. provided with                        b. passed by
c. got down                              d. handed down

5.     We’d rather ---------- for a better place.
a. look         b. looked               c. have looked       d. be looking

6.     ------------ we got into the house, we got cold.
a. During      b. While                c. As soon as        d. For

7.     ----------- have you bought that book for? To read about earthquakes.
a. Whom     b. Why                  c. Whose              d. What

8.     Our house ------------ of four bed rooms and a large kitchen.
a. consists                                b. is consisting
c. has been consisting               d. consist

9.     I have been touring Europe. I ------------- five countries so far.
a. have been visiting                  b. visited
c. have visited                           d. will have visited

10. The writer’s poor handwriting got us all ------------------.
a. up            b. down                c. out           d. over

11. One of the rules of those games ----------- not clear to our team.
a. were         b. is             c. have been          a. are

12. A number of important changes ------------ taken place in the country recently.
a. have         b. has          c. has been            d. is being

13. The race was carried out as planned --------- the heavy rains.
a. in spite     b. although            c. because             d. despite

14. We won’t go for a picnic this weekend ---------- the weather is fine.
a. if              b. unless                c. provided            d. because

15. Huge monsters could ----------- be living in deep water.
a. possibly   b. possible            c. likely                 d. unlikely

16. We wanted to know if -------------------------------.
a. the coming current had a different voltage
b. does the coming current have a different voltage
c. has the coming current had a different voltage
d. will the coming current have a different voltage

17.  My father asked me ------- I am interested in collecting old stamps.
a. when        b. because             c. if             d. that

18. How ----------- is Aqaba from Amman? -- 300 kms.

     a. often        b. many                 c. long         d. far

19. Should all the participants ---------- present at ten?
a. be            b. been                  c. are           d. will be

20. We are leaving the town ------------- June 11th.
a. at             b. on                     c. in             d. for

21. If I were you, I would change my plans. This sentence expresses
a. regret       b. apology             c. promise   d. advice

22. Do you know what ------------  for the party?
a. have they bought                   b. they have bought
c. did they buy                          d. will they buy

23. John’s mind is quite busy these days. He------------- of moving to another house.
a. thinks                                    b. thought                                
c. had thought                           d. is thinking

24. I found it ----------- to work with people with the same age as mine.
a. interested           b. interesting          c. interests   d. be interested

-------------- this watch worth JD 50? I doubt it.
a. Is             b. Does                 c. Did          d. Will

Questions? www.faridabuyousif@yahoo.com