Daily Lesson Plan Page 2
Quality Professional Training

Daily Lesson Plan Page 1

Critical Thinking Tests

New Evaluation Tools (1st Page)

English Sites(1)

Grammar, Dictionaries, ELT Sites

Photo Activities

Diagnostic Tests

Blended Learning and links

Slide Show

Guest Book

12th Grade Resources

Rubrics and Forms

Tenth Grade Analysis Page 1

Online Training for New Teachers

Grade 11 Content Analysis

12th Grade Remedial Resources

Powerpoint, Video, Audio, Clip Art, e-Libraries

Placement Tests

Learning StylesTests

Ask an Expert

12th Grade Training

Blended Learning Free Computer Skills and Programs

START HERE! How Our Reflective Blended Training Works

Free 'Electronic' Teaching Managment

Learning Difficulties Tests, Teaching

Action Pack, Grade 2 Training (1st Page)

Action Pack, Grade 8 Training (1st page)

Inquiry, Critical Thinking, Task-based, Problem-based Learning, constructivism (Methods 1)

Action Pack 8 Training (2nd page)

Action Pack 2 Training (2nd Page)

12th Grade Content Analysis

12th Grade Standards

Action Pack 8, Grade 8 Training (3rd Page)

Free Hardware/Software Technical Assistance

New Evaluation Tools (3rd Page)

Free Icebreakers for Classroom Use

New Evaluation Tools (2nd Page)

Evaluation (4th Page) Organizing Your GradeBook

Semester Plan

New Evaluation Authentic Assessment(5th Page)

Total Physical Response (Methods 2)

Daily Lesson Plan Page 2

Lesson Planning Page 3 (Strategies)

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 1

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 2

Outcomes, General and Specific Page 3

Exemplar of Performance-based Assessment

Remedial Activities Page 2

8th Grade Content Analysis page 3

12th Grade Audio Vocational Literature


Free AntiVirus Scan

Text to Speech/ Speech to Text

Lesson Planning Page 2

New (Developed) Daily Lesson Plan


Dear colleague,

On this page you'll find

First: a sample of the new (developed) Daily Lesson Plan

Second: sufficient samples of:

1. Outcomes, (Please refer to Outcomes Pages 1, 2, 3)

2.  Teaching strategies,

3.  Assessment strategies,

4.  Resources  (to be included in Daily Lesson Plan)

5. and a section on Resources for teachers

- Click here to go to More resources for teachers 1

- Click here to go to More resources for teachers 2


These will help you plan your teaching well

using either the New (Developed) Daily

Lesson Plan Format or the old Daily

Lesson Plan Format.


You should check other relevant pages on

this website:


- Click here to go to Lesson Planning Page 1

- Click here to go to Lesson Planning Page

- Click here to go to Evaluation Page 1

- Click here to go to Evaluation Page 2

- Click here to go to Evaluation Page 3

- Click here to go to Evaluation Page 5(Authentic Assessment)


Daily Lesson Plan Form
Class:------------------------            Subject (from Unit/Lesson):-------------------- 

Date: -----------------------------------  Day:------------------------ Period: ----------------
Learning Prerequisites:----------------------------------------------------------

Specific Outcomes

Teaching/Learning strategies

Assessment Strategies/ techniques







Learning Resources

Individual Differences

Related Digitized Material




Remedial Activities

Integration/ Connectivity



Enrichment Activities





Source: A sample of the work of In-Service English

Language  trainees - a  generalized Reading lesson)




The past form of regular and irregular verbs

Contracted forms of the verb to be with all  pronouns

2. Sounds:

Revision of the /p/ and /b/  sounds

3. Vocabulary:

 born , want , study, invent , collect, travel , decide, many, only,

first, then, second, third, carry, point, walk, a man,

4. Reading paragraphs one and two in the Student's Book

5. Writing: Exercises in Action Pack 7 SB pp. (48-49)


Specific Outcomes:

Students are expected to:

1. pronounce all  new vocabulary items with correct intonation and stress

2. deduce the meaning of these items when they  hear or encounter them in the reading passage

3. write each of the new vocab items with correct spelling

4. identify the main ideas in the reading texts

5. extract specific details in the reading texts (chronological features in a biography)

6. use cohesive clues to discuss arrangements of ideas in a text

7. use the contracted forms of the verb to be

8. make up sentences from a substitution table






Teaching/ (Learning Strategies):

Activating previous knowledge

Predict and Check

Information Transfer

Think/ Pair/ Share

Warm Up (Ice-breaker)

1.Revision of previous homework. Teacher links material from

 last lesson (forming past tense of words used in a biography)

with prediction questions about the new lesson.

(What is the logical arrangement of actions in one's life?)

2. Teacher diagnoses  students' knowledge using a work sheet

3.Students do  a quick remedial activity for verb(to be) forms

and T. deals with expected difficulties in the concepts/

structures of the new material.

4. Students practice minimal pairs following the teacher's model

     pronunciation of /p/and/b/ .

5. Teacher presents some vocabulary items through contexts

     and leaves the rest for deducing/guessing from context.

6. Teacher uses pre-questions, SS read silently for gist, then

SS read  the texts for details, (2 biographies, one paragraph at a time).

7. Using Think/Pair/Share, SS answer and discuss the details

in the texts using the maps, pictures in the text for further

analysis, extension and linkage of ideas in the biographical text

with their own personal experiences of experimenting with new ideas.

8.T. presents the writing task of:  

first: forming correct sentences from a substitution table

using Same Task, Different Speeds and

second: completing a gapped biographical text.

There is a Class Check after Completion of the writing






Individual Differences:

Teacher diagnoses  students' knowledge using a work sheet on the Verb to be Agreement

Remedial Activities:

These are done in two stages:

1-Early remedial activity for previous knowledge

T. conducts a quick remedial activity for verb (to be) forms and deals with expected difficulties in the concepts/ structures of the new material

2- Later remedial activity for new knowledge

   More complex remedial activity which include contracted forms of the verb to be

Enrichment Activities:

Students are asked to form descriptive,(biographical) sentences of a picture

using newly learned vocabulary items.



Assessment Strategies: (Specific techniques:

Evidence of attainment)

Performance Based Assessment

A.1. Students are asked to classify a number of news stories  (from newspapers' clippings) according to their text-types and themes. ( biographies, reports on car accidents, sports stories)

2. Teacher checks students' performance as reflected in their:

a. pronunciation

b. written work

Observation strategy

 B. 1.Teacher's use of a checklist observation  sheet of students' comprehension sub-skills.

2. Teacher checks students' responses to various reading comprehension questions on the reading text



Related Digitized materials

 ( to be added later)

Integration/ Connectivity

( to be added later)




Sample Specific Outcomes and related

Assessment Strategies/ techniques




Specific Outcomes:

(statements of attainment)

Assessment Strategies: (Specific techniques:

Evidence of attainment)


1. Performance Based Assessment, 2. Pencil And Paper,

3. Observation, 4. Communication, 5. Self-reflection  (Response Journal/ Portfolio)

Assessment Tools

1. Check List , 2. Rating Scale, 3. Rubric, 4.Learning Lo g

 5. Anecdotal Record

Discriminate (meaning-changing) sounds in isolated word form

Indicating whether two sounds are the same or different

Obtain the gist of short texts

Indicating the main point in a piece of discourse

Respond appropriately to simple given instructions

Performing actions according to given instructions

Show understanding of specifically required information on a single point or more than one point 

Identifying different points of view in spoken texts

Recognize familiar words and phrases in the spoken form

Trying out recently encountered words/phrases in new contexts

Respond to the texts consisting of simple sentences in familiar/unfamiliar contexts 

Giving the appropriate continuation for a statement.

Determine the gist of texts consisting of sentences in familiar/unfamiliar contexts

Matching titles to paragraphs / texts

Extract specifically required information

Filling in a checklist in response to a taped material

Distinguish the main idea from Supporting details

Differentiating fact from opinion

Respond appropriately to a range of instructions

Performing actions according to given instructions

Deduce the meaning of familiar words and phrases in familiar / unfamiliar contexts

Matching labels to objects

Hong Lin, Writing Learning Outcomes: Using Bloom's Taxonomy,
Home page. 
30 April 2006

 Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives,

Home page. 30 April 2006

Edward Vockell, Bloom's Taxonomy,  Home page.
30 April 2006





You should select the specific outcomes from the

officially-documented sources.

Please refer to Outcomes pages 1, 2, 3


Quotation of a sample of Outcomes


"1. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate,

and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with

other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts,

their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features

(e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).
2. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g.,

spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to

create, critique, and discuss print and non-print texts.
3. Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g.,

libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information

and to create and communicate knowledge.
 4. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical

members of a variety of literacy communities. Students use spoken, written,

and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning,

enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information)."




Dear colleague,

On this page you'll find a short quotation from the General and Specific Outcomes

for English language for all grades. For more complete lists, read below.

( For the moment ONLY the specific outcomes are included; the General Outcomes will be added later.)



General and Specific Outcomes: trial worksheets for the Focus Group,

 MoE, Amman, 2004.

The outcomes, quoted here, are here for the purpose of eliciting feedback

which will always be passed on for development and improvement.

Specific Outcomes

"Grade One


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. recognize the sounds of the letters of the English alphabet  (e.g., listen and point to letters)

2. recognize some basic English words (e.g., boy, girl, red, blue)

3. recognize short, simple greetings (e.g., A: Hello B: Hello. Good morning)

recognize and respond to basic classroom-controlled instructions (e.g., stand up, walk to the door)

4. develop a love of listening to short, simple rhymes and songs

5. use pictures and flash cards to understand new words when listening

6. recognize objects teachers hold up when listening (e.g., ball)


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. pronounce the letters of the alphabet correctly

2. pronounce some simple words accurately (e.g. numbers 1-10).

3. imitate the pronunciation of some simple English words and pronouns

 (e.g. after listening to a tape)

4. repeat and pronounce correctly foreign names as appropriate

5. pronounce correctly some key simple words for objects, actions, and numbers

6. ask and respond to some simple questions about persons, objects, and

numbers using three or four words (e.g., color)

7. sing short, simple songs after listening to a tape

8. repeat short, simple rhymes after listening to a tape

9. participate in simple short, simple guided exchanges with a peer (e.g., greeting each other)

10. present letters of the alphabet to the class (e.g. say a letter and a word starting

with that letter such as “b” for banana)

11. ask for help (e.g., body language, “Please help.”)


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1. recognize letters of the English alphabet

2. recognize small and capital letters

3.recognize simple words and phrases (may need  repetition)

4. read English from left to right

5. show understanding of learned simple words about names, objects, actions,

and numbers when reading through different activities (e.g., fill in a missing word)

6 .recognize the characters in the reading  materials (e.g., Sara, Vinnie)

7. use picture clues and illustrations to determine the meaning of basic words

 (e.g., match words with pictures)

8. recognize basic familiar expressions when  reading (e.g., Good morning)


Specific Outcomes

It is expected that students will

1.copy English numbers, and capital and small letters correctly

2.print the English alphabet and numbers legibly

3.print single words neatly

4.label objects

5.fill in missing letters to complete a word

6.fill in missing words to complete a sentence (e.g. missing words in a  postcard)

7.write from left to right 

8.alphabetize by first letter (e.g., a list of friends’ names)

9.spell simple familiar words correctly (e.g., boy,  table)

10.use capital letters for names

11.correct the spelling and capitalization of words  with teacher assistance"

You'll find more complete lists of all Outcomes for all grades

On the Outcomes, General and Specific Page.

                         Click Here to go to

                              Outcomes Page 1, 2, 3


Teaching strategies

Note: Many  educators and sources  do not present clear

distictions between strategies, tactics, methods, techniques,

procedures, activities, execises

The teaching strategies are grouped as:

Direct Instruction

Problem Solving and Investigation

Group Learning

Activity-based Learning

Using Critical Thinking

Direct Instruction is used in a structured lesson, directed by the teacher.

This method controls the focus of attention, especially when there are time constraints.

The learning material is often presented through questioning and statements which

allows for student feedback.  The student responses guide the teacher to adjust the

lesson as necessary. Some examples of direct instruction include the following:

(Direct instruction meets the needs of the auditory learner.)

-  Lecture                                                          

-  Demonstration

-  Guest speaker                                              

-  Seminar

-  Question and Answer Lesson                       

-  Working from a textbook

-  Workbook, worksheets                                  

-  Practice and Drill

-  Directed Reading Activities                        

-  Flashcards


For the Ministry of Education, HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN, September 1, 2003.

(This document developed through the collaborative efforts of the General Directorate of Curriculum

and Textbooks and General Directorate of Examinations, Amman, Jordan, Consultants from the

 Canadian International Development Agency,

New Brunswick, Canada)



Group Learning

Co-operative learning stategies

A. Jigsaw

HOME Groups:  

EXPERT groups:

B. Number Heads Review

C. Think/write, pair/share

D. Semantic Web

E. Advanced Organizers

F. Pair Problem Solving

G. Integration information gap

H. Round robin

I. Matching

J. Paraphrase passport

K. Send a problem

L. Cooperative review

M. Co-op Co-op

N. Partners


Speaking/ Listening

Discussion Strategies

Leading a Discussion

Encouraging Student Participation in Discussion

Asking Questions

Fielding Students' Questions


Lecture Strategies

Preparing to Teach the Large Lecture Course

Delivering a Lecture

Explaining Clearly

Personalizing the Large Lecture Class

Supplements and Alternatives to Lecturing:

Encouraging Student Participation

Maintaining Instructional Quality with Limited Resources

Collaborative and Experiential Strategies

Collaborative Learning:  Group Work and Study Teams

Role Playing and Case Studies

Field Work


Speaking/ Reading

Title Talk: (Pre-reading)


Group Work and Study Teams

Your Turn (Sharing)


You Be The Judge: 4/3/2: same task, different speeds

Consensus: Co-operative Learning

The Doughnut : a structured conversation

Understanding dialogues

Say It! Strategy : practicing the language orally

Add One word  to make a story

One word story

Conversational English

Consequences role play

A shopping role play

The new student role play

Food flashcards

Telephone role-plays

Verb Stories

Verb Story used to Practise Verbs

Barrier Exercises

Uding more than one picture

Strip Stories: JUMBLED STORY

PMI, Plus/Minus/Interesting



Vocabulary/ Reading



Anticipation/ Prediction Reading

Before Reading/Prediction from clues

After Reading/ Provision of  evidence

Reading Process


Good Readers’ Strategies

Change pace


Ask questions

Have a reason to read (set a purpose)

Think about what they know already that’s related (Use background knowledge)
For example, about topic, genre, era, author…

Say, "this reminds me of my…" (Make personal connections)

Try to picture what the author is saying (visualize)


Good Readers Solve Problems with

Weird words (difficult vocabulary)
Read ahead
Re-read the previous sentence
Write it down
Substitute a word you know that sounds right and makes sense

Distractions (focusing attention)

Disagreeing with the author

Being nervous (about reading aloud or reading for a test)

Reading about something they don’t know much about

Knowing why to read something, or caring about something (Setting a purpose)  


Evaluation of  Relevance

(Trash and Treasure)

Co-operative Reading

Paired Reading

Make predictions about the text using headings

or relate the text to their prior knowledge

reading strategies :

( visualizing the meaning as they read/ and

summarizing mentally).

Shared Reading approach

Develop concepts about print and features of books

Using prediction and confirming skills.


Reading Comprehension Strategies






Making use of prior knowledge

Making inferences

Directed Reading-Thinking Activity


Comprehension Monitoring Strategies

Identify where the difficulty is.

Identify what is difficult.

Restate the passage in their own words

Look back through the text.

Look forward in the text.

Conscious Selection of Strategies

Explicit teaching of strategies

Teacher modeling and think aloud

Students practice in cooperative groups

Independent practice


Strategies For Reading Text

Before Reading

Preview the text/predicting

Build background knowledge

Set purposes

During Reading

Check understanding

Monitor comprehension

Integrate new concepts

After Reading


Evaluate the ideas

Make applications


SCAMPER: for creative, divergent thinking.
SCAMPER is an acronym for:

substitute, combine, adapt, modify/magnify/minify,

put to other uses, eliminate, reverse/rearrange.



Lecture With Discussion
Panel of Experts
Class Discussion
Small Group Discussion
Case Studies
Role Playing
Report-Back Sessions
Index Card Exercise
Guest Speaker
Values Clarification Exercise



Concept maps map


KWL (Know, Want to Know, Learned)

Using KWL.



Jigsaw Classroom http://www.jigsaw.org/ and

Jigsaw Lesson www.public.asu.edu/~ledlow/sledlow/jigsaw.htm






http://www.esolonlineclassroom each_stratschecklists

Teaching Strategies

Checklists (for  different writing text-types)

Graphic Organisers

Getting Around

(Joint Construction Method: (a collaborative writing process)

Short comment writing

Learning Log

(Focused Writing
Fat Tax (Editing/Peer Editing/ Proofreading Task)


 abstract, a formal structured summary, as used in academic

 research papers.

PMI, Plus/Minus/Interesting


Note taking Strategies:

Reading for Changes

Title Talk

Episodic Notes

Thinking in Outlines

Post-It Annotations

Interactive Notes

What's the Big Idea

Reading for Style Across Translations

Use Reciprocal Teaching

Annotate the Text


Use Visual Aids to Improve Instruction:

Involve the Students in the Assessment Process

Classroom Connection: (Online classroom connection)

Use the Board

Use Multiple Means to Deliver Instruction

Use Reciprocal Teaching

Use Student Exemplars

Learn with Your Hands

Extend Thinking Through Structured Collaboration

Develop Students Capacity by Modeling



Thinking Skills

Strategies for Teaching Thinking Skills

Redirection/ Probing/ Reinforcement

Asking Higher-order Questions

Lengthening Wait-time

Study skills ( such as paraphrasing, outlining, developing

cognitive maps and using advance organizers )

Creative and CriticalThinking Skills (such as decision making,

problem solving, fluency, observation, exploration, classification,

generating hypotheses)

Metacognition (including awareness, self-monitoring, and self-regulating)

Inquiry training

Modeling thinking skills

Computer Assisted learning (to develop verbal analogies,

 logical reasoning, and inductive/deductive thinking such as HOTS

a program that develops: metacognition, inferencing, and decontextualization)



Metacognition activity: (Modeling and Practicing Think-aloud.)

Metacognition activity :Guess and Check /check the predictions





Vocabulary/ Reading : Mindmapping



Unit organizer



Charts and Posters



Before and After Vocabulary Grids: prediction and checking

Clines/ continuum: Writing  descriptive graded vocab along a cline

Building Vocabulary Knowledge with Bilingual Flash Cards

Vocabulary Revision Activities: Jeopardy /Bingo / Matching definitions

Word Grids

Students match the vocabulary with the definition in a word grid.

Using the dictionary

Whispering Game

This strategy can be used to revise key vocabulary.

Word Maps

Information Transfer

Activate prior knowledge Strategies:

(K-W-L , Brainstorming , Graphic Organizer , Introduction of key words )


Disappearing Definition

============================================ ============================================

Graphic Organizer



Concept Map


Fishbone mapping


KWLH strategy


Prior Knowledge Topic Survey (Predict and Check)


Problem/ solution


Continuum/ Cline




Peer Review of Assignments

Informal Socializing

Student Presentations
Structured Seminar
Public Tutorial
Reflective Journals
Peer Learning Groups

Guest Lecturer

Special Interest Groups
Exercises in Communication

Authentic Tasks

Problem-Based Learning


'Real World' references.
Socratic dialogue: Critical Philosophy

 (   http://www.sfcp.org.uk/guidelines.htm )

Small Group work pages at

( http://www.flinders.edu.au/teach/teach/groupwork.htm )



Cooperative learning strategies





Vocab and Concept teaching strategy



Communication strategy: Dialogues


Brainstorming before speaking tasks



Graphics strategies


Spider Map

Writing Chart

Concept Mapping

Fishbone Maps

Event Chains

Cycle Circle

Continuum Scale

Charts and Posters

Unit organizers





Reciprocal teaching


Shared dictation




Assessment strategies

and tools


1. Performance Based Assessment

2. Pencil And Paper

3. Observation

4. Communication

5. Self-reflection  (Response Journal/ Portfolio)

Assessment may be conducted in a number of ways:


(performance, exhibition, demonstration, presentation)

Pencil and paper: essay, quiz/test/exam/, select response

Observation: Checklist

Communication: conference, interview, questions and answers

Reflection: response journal, portfolio, self-assessment

Assessment Tools

1. Check List

2. Rating Scale

3. Rubric

4. Learning Log   

5. Anecdotal Record


For the Ministry of Education, HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN, September 1, 2003.

(This document developed through the collaborative efforts of the General Directorate of Curriculum

and Textbooks and General Directorate of Examinations, Amman, Jordan, Consultants from the

 Canadian International Development Agency,

New Brunswick, Canada)

Performance Assessment

Grammar checklist


Language Assessment


Using Rubrics to assess L2



Assessment strategies


2-5-8 Assessment Plan

Anecdotal Records

Application Cards

Approximate Analogies


Essay Tests

Forced Choice Items

Group reporting
Growin’s V Diagrams

Minute Paper

Muddiest Point

Narrative Observations

Novak’s Concept Maps

One-Sentence Summary

Oral exams
Poster presentations

Pre- and Post- Assessment
(Recall, Summarize, Question, Connect, Comment)

Rubric Design

Scored Discussion

Student Self-assessment

Teacher Observation

Turn to Your Partner (TTYP)

Written exams



Assessing Reading Comprehension

Retell or summary

Strategy assessment

Teacher observation

Cloze passages



Assessing an essay using the

Writing Rubric







Textbook Visuals

Teaching Transparencies

PowerPoint Slides 

Chapter Videos

Video Cases

Learning Objective Summaries

Lecture Outlines 

Teacher-made  Resources

Professor's Videos 

Demo & Do Shows

PowerPoint Show

Learning Objectives

Solution Sampler

WWW Resources

Textbook Assignments 

Online Chapter Review 

Learning Objective Summaries 



Instructional Media and Technology



Transparencies and Overhead Projectors


Films and Videotapes

Computers and Multimedia

Following is a quoted sample of  resources

in a lesson plan from the source below:

"1.Copies of short stories either on paper or online

2. Computers for students with Internet access

3. Projector for PowerPoint, and first uses of Plot Diagram interactive

Reflective Journal Instructions

4. Reader’s Guide to Understanding Plot Development

5. Writing Rubric

6. Plot Diagram Interactive

7. “Jack and the Beanstalk” interactive

Elements of Plot PowerPoint Presentation (can be used online and projected,

or downloaded from Web site and saved on teacher’s computer)"






Teaching References

Teaching References



Teaching and learning strategies



Adapting Teaching style to Student learning style



Articles on Teaching techniques from the Internet



Articles on Teaching techniques: Oxford Club




The Largest database of Resources for Teachers

